Even if you’re a little nervous to try out these ropes, they’re worth learning how to use. In fact, according to research, battle rope exercises can help you burn up to nine calories a minute.  To learn about the best battle rope workouts, we spoke toErin Mahoney, personal trainer, author and founder of EMAC Certifications. Here are 10 exercises with instructions for each.

Battle rope workouts

Alternating waves

This is one of the most basic and common exercises on the exercise ropes. Hold each rope in one hand, alternating up and down movements with the arms. As the right goes up, the left arm goes down. Therefore, it’s primarily a deltoid exercise but also engages the trapezius and pectoralis major. You can also do these in different positions such as the kneeling waves and seated waves. Likewise, you can also do them with lower body movement such as the alternating reverse lunge waves.


Another common exercise is the stagecoach. In a semi-squat position, hold one rope in each hand. The hands start between the thighs, then lift up and snap the ropes back down. The motion should be repetitive, rather than resetting after each set.


Also known as side-to-side waves, this exercise builds upper body and core strength. You’ll hold the ropes together and swing both ropes side to side. At the same time, you’ll keep your transverse abdominis activated to stabilize the core.

Power slams

This is a great total body workout. Holding one rope in each hand, squat down with the arms outside the legs and the ropes low to the ground. Then, jump up, extending through the hips and knees. At the same time, lift your arms up. Once you’re at the peak of the movement, slam the ropes down in one powerful movement and land with the ropes on the inside of the legs. Reset yourself and repeat. Jumping jack waves Stand with the feet hip-width apart, holding the ropes on each side. Just as you would with a jumping jack, lift both arms out to the side and up over your head, then return them back to starting position. Repeat for the remainder of the set, keeping your core engaged and legs slightly bent. For a variation, alternate arms for the split jack waves.

In and out waves

This exercise targets the chest (pectoralis major) and the deltoids. Arms should be up and out to the side, with the elbows slightly flexed. Then, quickly bring the arms out and in, almost like a smaller version of the chest fly.

Outside circles

Here the arms make outward circles, with the focus on the outward part of the motion. This helps target the rear deltoids (posterior deltoids).

Inside circles

This is the opposite of the outside circles. The targeted power should come from the chest as you circle in toward the body.


Here, the hands will stay closer together and track each other. Start with them both on one side of the body. Abruptly lift up and over your body. As you return the ropes to the other side of the body, rotate through the hips and allow triple flexion to occur on the opposite side of the body. To keep it upper body, perform seated rainbows with the legs out in front and focus only on the shoulders.

Push-up waves

Take the battle ropes to the ground! In a pushup position, lay the ropes on the ground in front of you. Do one wave with each arm while holding a hand plank. Then perform a pushup and continue the cycle. Make it even more of a great workout by starting in the standing position and do burpee waves. Next up, 17 prison workouts to get you in the best shape ever.


Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: “Effects of Rest Interval Length on Acute Battling Rope Exercise Metabolism”Erin Mahoney, personal trainer, author and founder of EMAC Certifications 10 Best Battle Rope Workouts to Try - 75