Generally speaking, Italian surnames end in a vowel. In early Medieval Italian history, people only had a first name. During the Renaissance, parish priests were required to register parishioners by their given name as well as a surname to prevent marriages between blood relatives. Thus began the process of bestowing surnames on Italian families. A majority of Italian last names are patronymic, meaning they originate from the male head of the household. Family names based on geographical locations or topological areas were also popular, as were nicknames derived from physical traits or personal characteristics, and surnames stemming from a man’s occupation. The part of Italy where a person lived also had much to do with how their surname was spelled. If you come from a family of Italian heritage and your surname ends in -o, your ancestors came from southern Italy, whereas last names ending in -a or -i typically came from the country’s northern regions. Italian last names can also have many spelling variations, all depending on the specific region where the name originated and that area’s dialect. The origins and meanings and spelling variations of Italian last names are really quite fascinating, and we just touched upon the tip of the iceberg with this list of 100 Italian last names. Some of these Italian last names can be used as a first name for your baby, give you some inspiration on what to call your pet, help you name a book character or even an Italian restaurant. You’re welcome! Or should we say… Prego!
100 Italian Last Names
Italian Last Names Based on Occupation
1. Abate
Pronounced uh-bayte and derived from “abbas,” the Latin word for priest, this name could have been given to someone who worked in a monastery or should be treated with great respect. Abba, Abato, Abbati, and Dell’Abbate are all variations.
2. Acqua
This word means water in Italian, so this person transported water for a living or lived by water.
3. Aiello
Pronounced ay-ehloh and sometimes spelled Ajello, the name Aiello comes from the Latin agellum, or “field,” and was typically bestowed upon farmers.
4. Albero
This is the Italian word for tree, so this person lived in the woods or worked with wood.
5. Barbieri
Another occupational name, barbieri is the Italian word for barber—so these ancestors were likely the neighborhood haircutters.
6. Ballerini
Derived from ballerino, the Italian word for dancer, this was a nickname for someone who liked to dance.
7. Bonetti
You know what a bonnet is, right? Bonetti—pronounced bon-eh-tee—means hatmaker and originated as an occupational surname.
8. Cappitani
A variation on the occupational surname Cattaneo, which means “captain” and was probably given to the leader of a large group or a ship.
9. Capo
The Italian word for boss, head, or chief, the surname Capo was given to people who were headstrong or a leader. Variations include Caputo, di Capo, Capone, Capi, Caponetto, or Capozzi.
10. Cardinale
This name literally translates to cardinal, a high-ranking church official.
11. Caruso
Meaning ‘boy’ in Italian, this name was likely bestowed upon a young apprentice.
12. Conti
If your ancestor was or worked for a count, they were likely given this name, which means “companion.”
13. De Santis
Another family name that was given to someone who likely worked in a church setting, it is derived from the word sanctus, which means “holy” or “devout.”
14. Giudice
Meaning justice or judge, variations on “ju-dee-chay” include del Giudice or lo Giudice.
15. Laguardia
Meaning “sentry” or “sentinel” in Italian, bestowed on someone who was a guard or lived by a watchtower.
16. Lanaro
Given to someone who was a wool merchant.
17. Nasato
Derived from naso, Italian for “nose.”
18. Pesci
If you’ve been to any Italian restaurant, you know that Pesci means fish. Pronounced pesh-ee, the ancestors of someone with this Italian surname were likely fishermen.
19. Robustelli
From robusto, meaning “strong,” variations of this nickname for a strong person include Robustello, Ribustelli, and Robustiello.
20. Scavo
Meaning serf or slave, variations include Scovo, Scovi, Scovolo, and Scavedo.
21. Sartori
An occupational name from sarto, the Italian word for “tailor.”
22. Verga
The Italian name for “stick” or “cane,” this occupational surname would have been given to shepherds.
23. Zuccaro
From zecca, the Italian word for “squash,” people with this name were likely farmers who sold the gourd vegetable. Zecca, Zucco, and Zuccarelli are different variations.
Italian Last Names Based on Description or Personality
24. Accardi
Derived from the word achard and pronounced ah-kahr-dee, the name means brave—or describes someone very strong.
25. Accetta
Someone given this last name was well-liked as it originates back to the Latin word acceptus, meaning “welcome.” Acetta, Accietto, and Accettullo are other variations.
26. Amato
This name rolls off the tongue beautifully: ah-mah- It is derived from the Latin word amatus, which translates to beloved or dear one.
27. Argento
Meaning “silver,” this name could have been bestowed upon someone with gray or white hair—or even a silversmith.
28. Barone
This surname comes from the Latin word barus, meaning brave.
29. Bernardi
This Italian surname has its roots in the Old Anglo-Saxon name Ber Hardt, which translates to strong bear or one with the courage of a bear.
30. Bianchi
Pronounced bee-aang-kee, this name is the plural of bianco—which means white in Italian. Like the last name Bianco, Bianchi was a descriptive moniker given to people who had very fair skin or very light, almost white, hair.
31. Bruno
This name has grown in popularity recently thanks to the catchy Encanto song about the uncle nobody in the Madrigal family will speak about! The Italian word for brown, Bruno was a nickname given to someone with a darker complexion or hair. Bruni, Brunello, Brunazzi, and Brunaldi are other variations of Bruno. RELATED: Russian Last Names
32. Donatelli
Originating from donare, the Latin word to be loving or giving, variations on this last name include Dona, Donato, or Donati.
33. Fabbri
The root of this name is in the Latin faber, meaning “craftsman.”
34. Farina
An occupational name for a miller, this name means “flour.”
35. Ferrari
It’s known today as a zippy sports car, but this surname comes from the Latin ferro, meaning iron. Ferrara, Ferrerio, Ferrani and others all trace back to someone who was a blacksmith.
36. Gallo
If someone had a cocky attitude, they were likely given this last name, which comes from the Latin word gallus, meaning “cock” or “rooster.” Gallelli, Gallucci, and Gallarini are all variations of this name.
37. Grasso
Meaning “fat,” this nickname was given to a stout man.
38. Greco
Not only one of Italy’s most popular surnames but also the last name of one of the country’s most influential and notorious crime families. Literally meaning “Greek,” this surname’s popularity grew due to relationships between Italy and Greece. Variations include Del Greco, La Greca, Logrecco, and more.
39. Guerra
Meaning “war,” this name would have been given to a soldier.
40. Manzo
Meaning “steer” or “beef,” this nickname was given to someone tame or gentile like an ox or was an occupational name for someone who raised the animals.
41. Marmo
The Italian word for “marble,” this person lived near a quarry or worked with marble.
42. Leone
The Italian word for lion, this name, and its variations—Leonello, Leonotti, Leoni—was given to someone with a fierce personality.
43. Leto
Derived from the Latin word laetus, meaning “joyful” or “happy,” Leito, Ledo, Lato, and Seto are all variations on this surname.
44. Longo
This name comes from lungo, the Italian word for “tall” or “long.”
45. Maggio
The Italian word for the month of May, DiMaggio, Maggi, Maggini, and Magiocco are some of the variations of this surname.
46. Mancini
People who were left-handed—or even ambidextrous—were given this surname.
47. Mariano
A name bestowed upon men who were confident and sure of themselves after Mars, the Roman god of war. Martini, Martinetti, Martinelli, De Martini, and Martino are among the variations of this popular surname.
48. Moretti
Derived from the word moretto, this name was bestowed on people with dark hair or dark complexions and is also closely connected with the Moors. Variations on this name also include Morelli, Morello, Moratelli, Morasso, Moresi, Morati, Morisi, Morasco, Mauro and Moro.
49. Mazza
A toolmaker would have been given this name, which translates to “sledgehammer” or “mallet.” RELATED: 250 Disney Character Names
50. Notaro
Meaning “scribe” or “clerk,” this popular surname stems from the Latin word notarius—which itself translates to “mark” or “sign.”
51. Pavone
A proud or arrogant person would have been given this nickname, which means “peacock.”
52. Pellegrino
The Italian word for “pilgrim,” this was a nickname for someone who had been on a pilgrimage to a holy site (like Rome or the Holy Land) or was a foreigner. Pellegrini, Pellerini, Pellerino, and Pellegrinotti are some variations.
53. Pelosi
Another surname that described someone’s physical characteristics, this name means “hairy” and has a large number of spelling variations. Some include Peluso, Pillosi, Pellati, Pelosini, and Pilati.
54. Ricci
Pronounced ree-chee, this descriptive surname comes from the Italian adjective ricco, meaning curly, and was a nickname given to someone with curly hair. Different spellings of Ricci can include Rizzo, Riccio, Risso, diRossi, Lorizzo, La Riccia.
55. Rossi
Similar to Ricci, Rossi—and all of its variations—comes from the word rosso, which means red in Italian. This name was given to someone who had red hair or a ruddy complexion. De Rossi, Larussa, Rosetti, Rossini, Della Rossa, and Rosello are all variations of what ranks as the most common last name in Italy.
56. Sabbato
Meaning Saturday, a nickname given to someone born on that day of the week.
57. Saccone
Pronounced sah-coh-nay, this name was given to someone who made sacks and bags. Sacco, Sacci, Sacconi, and Saccetti are some spelling variations.
58. Sala
The root of this last name is sala, which means “hall” or “building,” so someone who lived by a manor house or worked at the property would have been given this nickname.
59. Testa
From the Italian word for “head,” this nickname meant that someone was extremely intelligent—or had a large head. RELATED: Celebrity-Inspired Names
60. Vitale
Derived from the vita, the Latin word for life, other variations of this name are Vale, Vital, Vidales, and Vitali.
61. Vero
This name means to “real” or “true.”
62. Vittore
The origin of this name comes from the Latin word vincere, meaning “to conquer.” This surname has many variations, like Vettore, Vettoretto, Divittori, and Vittorio.
63. Volpe
Someone who was cunning would have been given this name, which means “fox.”
Italian Last Names Based on Habitat or Geographical Region
64. Abruzzese
A-bruz-zee-se is how to pronounce this name, signifying someone from the mountainous Abruzzi region in Southern Italy. Abruzzesi, Abruzzo, and Bruzzi are among the spelling variations.
65. Corrente
Meaning “running” or “flowing” or “stream,” someone who lived by a stream of water may have been given this topographical name—or it could have been a nickname for a fast runner or foot messenger.
66. Costa
A popular surname for people who lived in coastal regions, as this name means “coast” or “slope.”
67. Dinapoli
A variation of Di Napoli, meaning someone from Naples.
68. Fiorella
There are lots of variations on this name, which comes from fiore, the Italian word for flower. People with this surname likely lived by a field of flowers or worked as a florist.
69. Florentino
Someone from the city of Florence.
70. Fontanino
If you lived by a spring—or frons—then this topographical surname was given to your family. Variations include Fontana, Fontanella, and Fontanari.
71. Franzese
A nickname for someone hailing from France, this surname was popular in the Naples area.
72. Giordano
The Italian word referring to the holy Jordan River, this name means “the one who descends.”
73. Leccese
A variation of Lecce, someone from the town in Southern Italy.
74. Lombardi
People with the last name Lombardi (and its variations) are descendants of those who came from the Lombardy region of Northern Italy.
75. Marino
This name traces back to Italy’s Papal States, and was derived from the first name of someone who lived by the sea or worked on the water. Mario, Marina, or Marini are some variations.
76. Messina
Somebody living near Messana, a harbor city in Sicily, would have this last name.
77. Milano
Meaning someone from Milan, as is Milanesi, Milani, and Milanzoli.
78. Monti
People living near the mountains were probably given this name, taken from the Italian word monte.
79. Parisi
This last name means “one who came from Paros”—as in the Greek island. Parigi, Parise, Pariso, Parisse, Parisani, and Parisetti are all versions of this topographical surname.
80. Pisano
Someone from Pisa, in the Tuscany region, would have had this place-name. Pisa, Pisanelli, Pisnaello, and Pisari are different spelling variations.
81. Provenza
Like the variation Provenzano, a place-name indicating that someone was from the Provence region of Southern France.
82. Rapallino
From the town of Rapallo, near Genoa.
83. Romano
Meaning “one from Rome,” this popular surname was also used as a given name. Some spelling variations include Romani, Romanello, Romanucci, and Romanetti.
84. Scotto
Like Scotti, this name was given to people originally from Scotland, derived from the Latin name for Gael. It also stems from the given name Francescotto.
85. Sorrento
A habitational name for people who were from this seaport on the Bay of Naples, as was Sorrentino and Sorrenti.
86. Vinci
Geography-based surname for people from the Vinci area of Florence, near Tuscany. In fact, Leonardi da Vinci was born in this very village.
87. Veronese
Pronounced Ver-oh-NEE-see, this surname indicates that someone was from the area of Verona.
Italian Last Names Based on Personal Names
88. Adami
Meaning “son of Adamo”—the Italian form of Adam.
89. Alfonsi
DiFonzo, D’Alfonsi, and Alfansi are variations on this name which means “son of Alfonso.”
90. Bonaccorso
This medieval Italian given name comes from bono, meaning “good,” and accorso, meaning “haste, rush, help.” Accorsi, Accorso, Bonaccorsi are all related names.
91. Colombo
This popular surname stems from the personal name meaning “dove,” which may have been a nickname for someone gentle or mild-mannered. Colombani, Colombetta, Columba, and even Palumbo are spelling variations.
92. D’Angelo
If Angelo was named after the angels or messengers, then his son was “of Angelo.” Other variations include Agnola, Angioli, and D’Angeli.
93. Di Luca
Like DellLuca, DiLuca, Lucci, Lucca, or Lucarelli, this family name means “son of Lucas.”
94. Fausti
From the given name Fausto.
95. Gentile
Coming from the Latin word gentilis, meaning “of the same stock,” this was first a given name for someone who was noble or courteous.
96. Guiliani
This name is derived from the Latin personal name Iulius, aka Julius, which means “youthful.” Other spelling variations include Giuglini, Zuliani, and Giuliano.
97. Pagani
Derived from the personal name Pagano, meaning “village dweller,” which stems from the Latin word paganus.
98. Pepe
This last name is the shortened form of Giuseppe, which is Italian for Joseph.
99. Rinaldo
The Italian equivalent of the name Reynolds, variations of this name include Ranallo, Renaldi, Ranalli, and others.
100. Valentino
A nickname for the given name Valente, meaning “brave” and “courageous,” Valentino is derived from valens, the Roman word for “health” or “strength.” Next, check out the meanings of these 100 French last names!