Unexplained weight loss can be alarming, especially because so many of us struggle to get the scale to budge at all. Is it due to a stressful life event, an underlying health condition, or is it a random fluke? And how can you tell the difference?  It’s true that unexplained weight loss can be a cause for concern. To learn more, we spoke to several health experts to understand what’s behind unexplained weight loss. 

Why am I losing weight?

Here are 11 possible reasons why you’re losing weight without trying.


“Ruling out cancer is always the first and most critical priority when someone has unintentional weight loss,” Dr. Shadi Vahdat, MD, assistant clinical professor and hospital-physician at UCLA and medical director at LiveWell Integrative Medicine, explains. Certain risk factors such as being a man, being older and active smoking raise the suspicion for malignancy in someone who has unexplained weight loss.  “The most common malignancies in these patients are those related to the lung, lymphoma and gastrointestinal system such as (esophagus, stomach, colon or liver). Typically these patients will have other symptoms, signs on their physical exam or abnormalities on their blood tests,” Dr. Vahdat adds. “It is important to refer to a primary care physician for a comprehensive workup. Additionally, making sure to keep up to date with proper screening procedures such as colonoscopy or mammogram at specific intervals will be critical for early detection.”

Drugs, prescription medication or supplements

Adverse effects of illicit drugs, prescription medication and even over-the-counter drugs and supplements can be another reason for unexplained weight loss.  “For example, those dependent on cocaine or amphetamines may experience decreased appetite and suffer from weight loss and significant nutritional deficiencies. Others with the sudden withdrawal of chronic marijuana can also experience weight loss, agitation and nightmares,” Dr. Vahdat states. “Weight loss is a known adverse effect of common prescription drugs such as diabetes medications and thyroid medication.”  Many other medications such as antidepressants, chemotherapy, anti-seizure or antihypertensive medication are commonly associated with nausea, dry mouth, anorexia or altered taste and smell which can lead to weight loss.  “Reviewing all medications and supplements with your healthcare provider or pharmacists should help clarify if your weight loss may be related to a medication side effect,” says Dr. Vahdat.

Gastrointestinal conditions

A number of gastrointestinal conditions such as celiac disease, malabsorption or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis can also contribute to weight loss.  “Usually there are other symptoms of abdominal pain, trouble with swallowing, diarrhea, constipation or bleeding present with many of these conditions,” Dr. Vahdat explains. Referral to a gastrointestinal specialist for a proper workup which may include blood tests or procedures such as endoscopy or colonoscopy may be required.”

Psychiatric disorders 

Psychiatric disorders are another common cause of weight loss. In fact in one study of those with unintended weight loss nearly 15% percent were the result of some type of psychiatric condition such as depression, bipolar disorder, hyperactivity or paranoia.   “Research has shown that social isolation and loneliness which have been rampant for some people post-pandemic can be associated with reduced appetite, reduced food intake and subsequent weight loss,” says Dr. Vahdat. “Seeking guidance from a practitioner experienced in treating these mental health disorders will be very important to help delineate the best course of action and treatment.”

Thyroid disease

Your thyroid is a gland that produces thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism.  Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which excess hormone is released and metabolism is sped up.  “This can lead to the body burning more calories than expected, which leads to unintentional weight loss,” Dr. William Li, doctor, researcher, Angiogenesis Foundation President/Founder and author ofEat To Beat Disease, explains. “Your doctor may perform a series of tests to determine if thyroid disease is the root cause of weight loss. Treatments for this range from surgery to remove the thyroid, to medications that block hormone release, to radiation treatments.”


Many people with dementia suffer unintentional weight loss due to loss of appetite. In fact, weight loss in an elderly person is regarded as a possible early sign of dementia.   “The exact reasons for this are unknown, but it is thought to involve portions of the affected brain that govern appetite,” says Dr. Li. “The proper diagnosis of dementia is important and interventions including medication and support care, including nutritional support, can be helpful."


Malnutrition can cause significant weight loss by depriving your body of much-needed calories, protein, vitamins, and nutrients.  “Beware of the fad diets that seem unhealthy because they probably are. This induces a starvation state, which can make you ill in the long run. Going back to a healthy diet high in protein and vitamins and minerals can reverse the damage done,” Dr. Li states.

Alcohol abuse

Most people are surprised to learn that alcohol abuse is correlated with weight loss.  “Those suffering from alcohol abuse are often are malnourished and replace food with alcohol. Treatment includes rehab, AA meetings and other physical and psychological support systems,” says Dr. Michael Russo, MD, general surgeon specializing in bariatric surgery at MemorialCare Center for Obesity at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA.


“One common cause of unexplained weight loss is type 1 diabetes,” Dr. Madathupalayam Madhankumar, MD, a doctor with iCliniq, explains. “Treatment for diabetes includes blood sugar monitoring, lifestyle modifications, and diet can help improve this condition.”

Muscle loss

Muscle loss can cause unintentional weight loss. Treatment is regular exercise and proper nutrition, Dr. Madhankumar states.

Rheumatoid arthritis 

This is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation.  “Chronic inflammation can fasten up metabolism resulting in weight loss, Dr. Madhankumar explains. To treat it, opt for medications like antirheumatic drugs - corticosteroids can help treat the condition.” Next, read about 15 causes of unexplained weight gain.


Shadi Vahdat, MD assistant clinical professor and hospital-physician at UCLA and medical director at LiveWell Integrative MedicineDr. William Li, doctor, researcher, Angiogenesis Foundation President/Founder and author of Eat To Beat DiseaseDr. Madathupalayam Madhankumar, doctor with iCliniq 11 Reasons You Might Be Losing Weight Without Trying - 82