Can you make French toast without milk?

Yes, you can swap out regular milk for other kinds of milk (almond, soy, oat) or even use a non-milk option like eggnog when making French toast recipes. In fact, a bit of eggnog offers a rich vanilla taste and uses up any leftovers you might have from a holiday party. Of course, if you’re out of milk at home but you do have cream, whether light or heavy, both of these can also be a worthy stand-in for many recipes.

Can you make French toast without eggs?

If you’re out of eggs or someone in your house is allergic to them, French toast can be made with some cornstarch mixed into the milk instead. Add a tablespoon of cornstarch to a half cup of milk to dissolve it, and then use this combo as an egg substitute. Or you can use an egg replacement option instead of actual whole eggs in French toast batter to make them vegan.

Why is it called French toast?

Is French toast actually from France? As it turns out, the French people do enjoy a similar dish called pain perdu. But the reason Americans call this dish French toast doesn’t have anything to do with this European nation. The truth: French toast takes its name from Joseph French who invented it at his inn in upstate New York in 1724. But there have been iterations of this dish in existence as far back as Roman times and in many different countries the world over.

Can you freeze French toast?

Yes, you can freeze leftover French toast. Start by freezing it in a single layer on a sheet pan until partially frozen (about an hour) and then remove the slices to a plastic bag. To reheat frozen french toast, pop the slices in the toaster or toaster oven for a few minutes.

What is the best bread for french toast?

For classic french toast recipes, use a good quality, plain loaf of bread. The best types are brioche, challah and country bread like sourdough, white or wheat as these absorb the milk-and-egg custard best. And if you have some stale slices at home, these are even better, again because the dry bread does a better job of soaking up the liquid in French toast recipes.

What goes with French toast?

Take the humble French toast up a notch by adding all-star ingredients. Maple syrup or jam are the usual go-to’s for French toast. But this dish also pairs beautifully with just about any type of fruit, from apples and pears in the fall, berries in the summer and bananas all year round. Whipped cream is a fancy addition to any plate of french toast—and a crunch factor is never remiss here (think toasted pecans or almonds on top). A few other creative French toast ingredients that add some wow factor include: 

pumpkin spicebananas and peanut butterNutella and cream cheesecoconut syrupeggnogFruity Pebblesfluffernutter (marshmallow creme and peanut butter)

Waffles make everything better, including weekday breakfast. Here are 35 super waffle recipes that’ll send you out the door with a smile. Get the recipe: Air Fryer French Toast Sticks Get the recipe: Apple-Pistachio Waffled French Toast Get the recipe: Peanut Butter-Banana French Toast Get the recipe: French Toast Kebabs Get the recipe: French Toast Waffles Get the recipe: Air Fryer Mini French Toast Get the recipe: Slow Cooker Cinnamon French Toast Casserole Get the recipe: Classic French Toast Get the recipe: Honey-Nut Stuffed French Toast Get the recipe: Overnight French Toast Get the recipe: Pancakes In Paris French Toast Get the recipe: French Toast Blueberry Muffins Get the recipe: Easy Brioche French Toast Get the recipe: French Toast Stuffed Bacon, Onion, Tomato Jam Get the recipe: Orange Honey French Toast Get the recipe: Stuffed French Toast on the Grill Get the recipe: Gluten-Free French Toast Get the recipe: Homey French Toast Get the recipe: Nutella French Toast Get the recipe: Easy Baked French Toast Cups Get the recipe: Baked French Toast Get the recipe: Stuffed French Toast Get the recipe: Sugar-Crusted French Toast Get the recipe: Simplest French Toast Get the recipe: Apple-Peanut Butter French Toast

25 Best French Toast Recipes - 9425 Best French Toast Recipes - 8425 Best French Toast Recipes - 4125 Best French Toast Recipes - 525 Best French Toast Recipes - 4125 Best French Toast Recipes - 9225 Best French Toast Recipes - 6325 Best French Toast Recipes - 2425 Best French Toast Recipes - 3625 Best French Toast Recipes - 6125 Best French Toast Recipes - 2725 Best French Toast Recipes - 8925 Best French Toast Recipes - 125 Best French Toast Recipes - 925 Best French Toast Recipes - 1125 Best French Toast Recipes - 6425 Best French Toast Recipes - 3025 Best French Toast Recipes - 4025 Best French Toast Recipes - 9625 Best French Toast Recipes - 4525 Best French Toast Recipes - 4725 Best French Toast Recipes - 6425 Best French Toast Recipes - 2125 Best French Toast Recipes - 7625 Best French Toast Recipes - 91