Career transition coach Lisa Petsinis adds: “An introvert is someone who directs their energy inward. They have a preference for solitude and introspection." Of course, how these preferences manifest themselves is unique to each individual, but in many cases, introverts share a lot of these same core characteristics." They aren’t necessarily shy; instead, they like to form close relationships with a few people and can become drained by extended social contact with larger numbers of people,” says Petsinis.

Challenges Introverts Face at Work

Cain says: “I’ve worked with hundreds of companies and hear of the same challenges, regardless of industry: Introverts feel that they’re expected to be extroverted and that their contributions are undervalued if they don’t self-promote or speak frequently enough. They also long for quieter and more private workspaces.” Likewise, jobs that require tons of meetings can be taxing for introverts. “Large meetings or company social events challenge introverts for a few reasons. First, they find meeting with a lot of people to be draining. Give them a smaller meeting one-on-one with someone with whom they can build a relationship, and they prefer that!" Petsinis says. “Second, introverts prefer to process information and then respond. They would rather think about their answer, research as needed to be sure, and then send you an email rather than have to deliver a response on-the-spot in front of a crowd.” Sadly, growth and promotions are other common hurdles introverts face in the workplace. “Introverts often get passed up for promotional opportunities. Because they prefer to think first, and they are less likely to speak up and promote themselves in a meeting, higher-ups aren’t always as clear about what they can contribute,” Petsinis explains. “The truth is that introverts make excellent leaders and employees and they need to dial up their visibility to compete on a level playing field with extroverts who talk up their successes significantly more.”

Best Jobs for Introverts

While introverts are fully capable of doing the same job as an extrovert, a majority of them are happier when they’re in careers that maximize their strengths and minimize any of the aforementioned roadblocks. “Introverts thrive in work environments based on psychological safety—meaning that each member of a team truly feels empowered to be themselves, and that as a team the individual members feel comfortable talking about their needs (an extroverted team member might feel the need to check in regularly with her teammates; an introvert might crave three-hour head-down blocks with no meetings),” says Cain. “Based on my experience of which companies call me into work with them, the industries that have the most introverts include tech, Pharma, finance, and anything highly creative,” she says. While job hunting, introverts should keep an eye out for these sorts of particulars. “Introverts thrive in work environments in which they can create their schedule and build in quiet thinking time, reflect deeply on their work and concentrate on one task at a time, become an expert, and balance connecting with people and working on their own,” says Petsinis. Read on, and see which career sounds most appealing to you!

25 Jobs for Introverts

  1. Behavioral Therapist  “Given the extent that Introverts reflect, delving into the mind and becoming an expert in human behavior is an ideal proposition!” Petsinis says. “Introverts also enjoy deep listening and working one on one with patients to solve mental health problems and alter behavior and outcomes.” To become a behavioral therapist, you’ll need a university-level education, eventually earning your Masters in Behavioral Science or another similar program relating to Behavioral Psychology. According to the Economic Research Institute, behavioral therapists can make up to $22 per hour.
  2. Actuary  If you choose to become an Actuary, you’ll have to be good with numbers and you will learn how to assess risk for insurance companies. Most of the work is done in front of the computer, making it perfect for introverts who find social interactions stressful. Many entry-level actuary jobs require a Bachelor’s Degree in either Math, Statistics, or Actuary Science. According to PayScale, actuaries can make over $90,000 a year!
  3. Auditor With the work mostly being balancing numbers and reviewing financial statements, becoming an Auditor is a great career choice for introverts. As an auditor, you will gather information from your company’s financial reports, account balances, cash flow, and income statements, balance sheets, and tax returns during your day-to-day. To become an auditor, you’ll need a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and be willing to complete a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) program to gain recognition as a qualified auditor.
  4. Archivist If you love history and dream about working in a famous museum, check out a career as an archivist! During your day-to-day, you’ll appraise and research documents and records for a university, museum, or government agency to determine their importance and value. You’ll then reserve and catalog these materials so people can access them in the future, ensuring they’re not lost and forgotten in the past. A Bachelor’s Degree in art history, library science, records management, or another closely related field is required with some universities offering Master’s Degrees specifically in archival science.
  5. Editor  “If you are constantly correcting others’ grammar, you can transfer your skills to reviewing, editing, fact-checking, and otherwise perfecting copy for books and online publications,” says Petsinis. “You’ll also have a chance to shape ideas and ensure content is doing what it’s intended to do.” You’ll spend your days reviewing prepared copy for grammatical, spelling, stylistic errors, and correct typing mistakes before the work heads to publication. Editors also fact-check and ensure all content that is written by or for an organization meets the company’s style expectations. According to, editors can make up to $90,000 per year, with the median being around $71,000.
  6. Executive Chef If you like cooking delicious food instead of dealing with others, you may enjoy being an Executive Chef! As an executive chef, you’ll be responsible for managing a restaurant kitchen, including supervising all food that needs preparation, training and directing other kitchen employees, planning menus for the restaurant, creating kitchen budgets, reviewing food orders, and ensuring food meet quality and high standards. According to Indeed, executive chefs can make up to $62,023 per year.
  7. Social Media Marketing Are you a whiz at Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok? Do you always know what’s trending and the right hashtags to use? If you answered ‘yes’ to both of these questions, maybe you should consider a career in Social Media Marketing! As a company’s social media manager, you’ll effectively use apps like Instagram and Facebook to help build the company’s online presence like creating relevant and original content and replying to comments under the company’s name. There are a number of online courses that you can take to become a social media manager and a Bachelor’s Degree isn’t often required. According to PayScale, working in Social Media Marketing can make you up to $51,599 annually.
  8. Librarian Libraries are often quiet spaces making a perfect workspace for introverts to thrive! Plus, “Introverts have a thirst for knowledge,” Petsinis says. “If your nose is always in a book, or you’re scouring the internet for the latest research publications, you might very much enjoy working as a librarian.” You may also have to manage budgets, supervise junior staff members, and oversee certain events and activities. “You’ll balance your interest in helping people find what they need with organizing materials such as books, periodicals, magazines, as well as a plentitude of online materials,” she says. To become a librarian, a Master’s Degree in Library Science from an American Library Association is necessary. However, you don’t need one to become a school librarian, as long as you must meet your state’s teaching requirements. According to Indeed, librarians make about $60,000 per year.
  9. IT Manager If your dream job is working with iOS systems and the inner workings of computers, take a look into becoming an IT Manager! As an IT manager, you’ll help manage the security and operation of a company’s information systems. You will also be responsible for handling software and hardware upgrades, managing a technology budget, and also manage junior IT staff. To become an IT manager, you must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in an IT-related field from an accredited university and have strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  10. Software Engineer If you can code in your sleep, you may just be a Software Engineer at heart! When you’re working as a software engineer, you’ll use computer programming languages like JavaScript or Python to build, test, and continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software programs of a company or business. This job is probably one of the more high-paying low stressful jobs for introverts as Software Engineers can make up to $103,438 per year.
  11. Research Assistant A research assistant, or RA for short, is often employed by a university or research institute (often on a temporary contract) for the purpose of assisting in academic or private research. Usually, these jobs require you to work at your own pace and are often free of public speaking, making it an ideal job for introverts. The average salary for a research assistant is $35,230 annually.
  12. Accounting Manager  Thinking about becoming an Accounting Manager? You should know that the main duties are to manage the daily operations of a company’s accounting department such as data analysis or creating accounting policies and financial reports. According to PayScale, an accounting manager can make up to $71,332 annually. It is important to note that a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or a closely related field will be required for most entry-level jobs.
  13. Translator If you speak two languages or more, why not look into becoming a translator? Translators predominantly work with transcribing business, technical, legal, and scientific written materials such as letters, reports, and articles from one language to another. Their work incorporates a lot of independent work like reading documents plus writing and editing copies, making it a perfect job for a bilingual introvert!
  14. Paralegal Love true crime but hate the thought of getting up and speaking to a judge? Check out the Paralegal career track! As a paralegal, you’ll act as a legal administrative assistant to a law firm or a lawyer by completing case research, handling client interviews, drafting and filing legal documents, and assisting attorneys in preparing presentations. It is often reported that detail-oriented people who enjoy writing excel in this profession and are often really happy with it. To become a paralegal, there are two types of academic credentials that someone can use to enter the profession. You can either get your Associate Degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Paralegal Studies from an accredited community college or university.
  15. Graphic Designer Do you know programs like Adobe Photoshop or InDesign inside and out? Do you often doodle in your spare time? You may fit into the world of graphic design! During your typical day, you can often expect to use software to create custom visuals that communicate ideas for a company or a business that adds aesthetic appeal and improves the flow of information through the company’s website or social media accounts.
  16. Mechanic If you love cars and seeing how things work, then maybe becoming a mechanic is the right job for you! As a mechanic, your typical day-to-day will be filled with inspecting, repairing, and performing maintenance on motor vehicles. You’ll also use a variety of tools and technologies to perform specific job duties and may want to specialize in specific systems or vehicle types. Often after graduating high school or getting their GED, future mechanics head to vocational school to receive the type of training they’re after, work their way to a certificate, and often will receive on-the-job training when they’re finished with school. According to Indeed, many mechanics make up to $18.74 per hour.
  17. Court Reporter  As a court reporter, you’ll type out legal proceedings word-for-word on special software. If a judge requests it, you will also sometimes playback or read back a portion of the trial or meeting. While you’ll spend your day in a room that requires being surrounded by people, the court reporter rarely has to interact with people and simply just be a good listener! Many court reporters have a certificate in court reporting from their local community or technical college, and they receive on-the-job training.
  18. Landscape Designer If you love getting into the great outdoors, even if it means other people’s backyards, check out how to become a landscape designer! You’ll get to improve the aesthetic of outdoor spaces like ponds, water fountains, and walkways. According to PayScale, most landscape designers earn about $49,086 annually. If you are strongly considering becoming a landscape designer, consider earning your certificate in Landscaping, Landscaping Construction, or Permaculture.
  19. Technical Writer Love writing and technology? Then, becoming a technical writer just might be the thing for you! During your day, you’ll spend your time preparing user-friendly instruction manuals, how-to guides, articles, and other materials by translating complex information into easy-to-read content for readers to understand and comprehend. According to Indeed, technical writers can make up to $32.56 per hour.
  20. Content Manager As a content manager, you’ll oversee an organization’s content creation and strategy development in print or online. Your duties will include building an editorial calendar, managing the publishing aspect, and ensuring all content aligns with the brand’s guidelines and goals and up to the organization’s standards. Content managers can make up to $57,368 per year, according to Indeed.
  21. Photographer If you see the world through a slightly different lens and love sharing your photos on Instagram, then maybe becoming a photographer is right for you! If you take the profession seriously, you should buy your own photography equipment and put together an online portfolio. Many photographers have a certain niche like weddings or engagements. Many photographers start out at $16.54 per hour, according to PayScale.
  22. Filmmaker If you dream about going to the Oscars or seeing your own movie on-screen one day, consider becoming a filmmaker! While there are no set rules or ways to make your own mark in Hollywood, a Bachelor’s Degree in film and television production is strongly recommended as it will provide you with an opportunity to acquire many of the necessary skills to work in the field, as well as gain experience with projects and networking opportunities. Some of the best film schools in the world are the American Film Institute, the University of Southern California, and the New York University Tisch School of the Arts.
  23. Medical Records Technician As a medical records technician, you’ll organize and maintain health information data in either a hospital, physician’s office, nursing facility, or administrative office. You will not interact with patients but you’ll work with nurses and other medical professionals. To become a medical records technician, you will need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. However, most employers are beginning to require formal training or an associate’s degree from a community college that includes adaptable skills like managing, editing, and interpreting medical records.
  24. Veterinarian Love animals more than people? Maybe becoming a veterinarian is your calling! “Being a vet allows you to apply your higher education to maintain the health of animals while establishing relationships with their human owners,” Petsinis says. “Interacting with pets is less draining than working with people, and you’ll spend time in the clinic solving problems and performing delicate and life-saving procedures,” she explains.Aspiring animal doctors can expect at least 8 years in higher education, four in college, and four in veterinarian school, eventually earning their doctor of veterinary medicine, or DVM, degree. Becoming a zoo vet or a Vet Technician might even be a better choice, Petsinis says, since they interact with even fewer people. According to Money, the median salary for a veterinarian is about $95,000.
  25. Elevator Mechanic If you’re not afraid of heights or small spaces, consider a career as an elevator mechanic! Elevators mechanics install and repair elevators, escalators, and other mechanical lifts in high-rise buildings, department stores, and other high-traffic areas but do not have to interact with a lot of people except maybe 1 or 2 co-workers, depending on the job. Most elevator mechanics have a high school diploma and do an apprenticeship before obtaining licensure through their state. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, elevator mechanics can make up to $84,990 per year. Check out…50 Remote Jobs100 Side Hustles50 Work-Life Balance Jobs75 Questions to Ask During an Interview30 Stay-at-Home Mom Jobs125 Ways to Earn Extra Money

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