That’s why knowing what questions to ask on a first date can help it be a fun (and informative!) experience. After all, presenting the right opportunities for you and your partner to talk about yourselves can lead you both to that needed insight on how (and where) to steer your relationship. From funny first date questions about a person’s grocery shopping habits to intimate questions about their childhood, this giant list of 250 first date questions includes tons of things you’ll want to know about your partner (and things they’ll want to know about you too!). Read on, and get ready to make the most of that first date!

Get-to-Know-You First Date Questions

What is your favorite film in the comedy genre? What was the first book you read that really stuck with you? What is something you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid to? What’s something you’d like to learn or be better at? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What are you obsessing about these days? What is one activity that you would like to do on a date? What do you think were you like as a kid? What do you usually like to do in your free time? Who are the people in your life who have a special place in your heart? Did you participate in any sports as a child? Do you hang out with a large group of people? Are you a morning person or a night owl? What is your favorite international food? Do you have any particular passion projects that you’re working on? What kind of pet have you ever had since you were a child? What are your obligations and how long have you been doing them? What was your favorite family vacation when you were a kid? How do you spend a typical day? Who from the same sex do you admire? What’s the state of your social life? Do you have a favorite piece of art or artist? What is the aspect of dating that you hate the most? How many kids do you want in the future? Do you prefer the indoors or the outdoors, or do you like both equally? What is something that people are always surprised to learn about you? When and what time were you born? What is the style of your ideal home? In a new relationship, what is one thing you are dying to try? What do you normally do when you’re feeling shy and insecure? Do you like podcasts? What made you fall in love with one of your favorite musicians in the first place? Do you have any siblings? If so, how many do you have? Is there a food you don’t eat? What really makes you unique? Have you ever had to remove someone from your life? What TV series do you find yourself returning to and re-watching? Do you have a best friend? How did you meet him/her? What city did you grow up in? What do you eat to make you feel better? When you were a child, what TV shows did you watch? What are your thoughts on the country’s current political situation? What qualities do you want in a partner? Among all of your friends, what are you best known for? What is your go-to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages? Do you have any male friends, and if so, what interests do you have in common with them? How long have been living in this city? What is your favorite pastry to bake? What types of music do you enjoy listening to? Do you have any tattoos? If so, what’s the meaning behind it?

Funny First Date Questions

Do you believe that dogs and cats have any regrets? What was the funniest injury you’ve ever suffered? Do you enjoy grocery shopping? How much do you wish you could simply set yourself on fire each day? How do you usually put on your toilet roll? What would peanut butter be called if it had a different name? What do we all do as humans that seem to be ridiculous? What is the weirdest place you’ve ever been? Who would you like to swap places with if you could? What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done in the name of love? What do you think a caterpillar would taste like? What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever looked up on Google? Will you prefer to live in a vending machine or be one? Which cartoon character do you think you most resemble? What is one thing you will never wear outside? Do you believe your zodiac sign and birth chart describe you? What do you do if you’re on a plane that’s going down and there’s just one parachute for you and your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend? How many donuts can you stuff into your mouth at the same time? What alcohol has a smell that reminds you of the night you almost died? Which animal do you think is the biggest party animal? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to make others laugh? What is your most favorite website? Would you rather maintain your 18-year-old mind or body if you lived to 100? Which Halloween costume is the most appropriate for your personality? How much longer are you going to sit in pain rather than get up and get a remote that’s out of reach? What’s your favorite website? What do you think am I thinking about right now? Have you set up a hidden code with a friend to get out of this date if things go wrong? How many days in a row do you wear the same pair of pants before it becomes a problem? Do you believe the cats are plotting against us? Why did Cinderella’s shoe fall off if it fit perfectly? If you only had 48 hours to live, what are the things you would do? How long does it take you to finish your bucket of popcorn during the first movie theater preview? How much do you enjoy fried chicken? What abilities do you possess that will help you in surviving a zombie apocalypse? Have you ever texted a complete stranger just for fun? Why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees? Have you ever argued with your best friend over the same boy or girl? What would your nickname be if you were a boxer or a UFC fighter? How many times have you attempted telepathic communication with a dog just to see if you could? Could you survive without your phone for the rest of your life? What would you be if you had to be an item for a month? Are you currently accepting applications for a boyfriend/girlfriend? Have you ever spat in another person’s food? What’s the longest you’ve gone without picking up and consuming food that’s been dropped on the floor? What is the longest sleep you’ve ever had? What would you eat if you had to eat just one meal for the rest of your life until you became sick? If we shouldn’t eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge? Would you rather eat a handful of bees or poison ivy? Where would you take me if you won a trip for two to anywhere in the world?

Good First Date Questions

Is your family still residing in the home where you grew up? Do you think you’ve always wanted to do what you’re doing now? What are you looking forward to the most next week? What is the best Disney film that has come out since Disney’s Golden Age, in your opinion? Have you ever had a change of heart about something you were once certain of? Where did you think you’d be today five years ago? What’s your Myers-Briggs personality type? What would be the perfect birthday present from someone who knew you well? What have you done in the last year that has forced you to step outside of your comfort zone? Do you celebrate your birthday? And, if so, in what way? If not, does it irritate you when others do it? What have you really wanted to learn more about but haven’t had the time? Do you agree with the outcome of any personality tests you’ve taken? If you had the time and money, what hobbies would you pursue? Can you tell me about something you’ve recently accomplished that you’re most proud of? What was a situation that you felt was bad at first but turned out to be a blessing in disguise? When was the last time you completed a task on your to-do list? Is there a documentary or book that has had a significant impact on the way you think about something? What New Year’s resolution would you like to keep? What do you believe people take the most for granted? Would you mind if I paid for both of our meals, or would you prefer that we each pay for our own? What is something you’re currently saving up for? Do you enjoy debating controversial topics? What is the first lesson you want to tell your children about love and relationships? What’s your favorite verse in the Bible? What is the priciest item you’ve ever purchased for yourself? What is something you would love to relive one day? Are there any decent movies out right now that you want to see? If you could invent a new ice cream flavor, what would it be? Have you ever considered starting your own business? What subject was your favorite when you were in high school? What’s your wish for me? Have you been to Disney World before? What is your most important goal right now? What are your thoughts on a partner who consumes alcohol on a daily basis? What are some of the little things that brighten your day or make you smile? When do you feel like you’re the most out of place? Can you describe a personal indulgence for which you would never apologize? Which member of your family do you have the most in common with? Do you like big parties or just small gatherings? What is something you wish you had more time to do? How many times have you ever been in love? How do you feel about science vs. religion? Do you think you would be the type of person to settle down, or is that something that doesn’t really appeal to you? Do you ever bring your job home with you? What is the most important aspect of friendship? What is a piece of advice you often offer but find difficult to follow? What is that certain book that you’d love to see be made into a movie? How would you react if someone made you your favorite food? What are your top five favorite topics to talk about? What has been the worst nickname you had when you were a kid?

Fun First Date Questions

What is the most significant thing anyone has ever said to you? Would you rather live in squalor for a month with your best friend or in luxury for a year with someone you despise? When was the last time you brag about something? Have you got something exciting planned for the rest of the weekend? Have you recently visited any great restaurants? What do you want to do after this? What are the most exciting adventures you’ve ever had? What five cities in the world would you like to live in, and why? What was the last thing you Googled? What’s the longest word you’ve ever heard? What would be the first thing you’d do if you didn’t have any fears? What’s currently in your freezer? What will your autobiography’s title be? Which cheesy pick-up line is your favorite? Have you ever gone to the cinema alone? What topping combinations do you think make the best pizza? What are two albums that have helped to define or mold you as a person? When was the last time you went for a long walk? Have you ever gotten into a fight at school? What is your all-time favorite piece of furniture? What was your most recent charitable act? What is the most enjoyable scenario you can think of? What’s the ugliest animal for you? What was the most recent book you finished without missing any chapters? What do you imagine the world will be like in 70 years? What television show would you like to live in if you could? What is one thing you wish you had learned as a college freshman? What is the most horrible film you’ve ever seen? Have you ever been a part of a meetup group? What sports would be the most humorous if the athletes had to play while drunk? Would you rather get fresh flowers or fresh fruits? Have you ever tried to drop a class? What do you think would be your music group/band name? What is the best year ever? What is it about people that drive you insane? What is the most stunning view you’ve ever seen? Do you want to order the same thing every time you go out to a restaurant or do you like to try new things? If your body would get kicked by a horse, which part would it be? Can you tell me the experience you had when you first learned how to cook? Do you have any dating horror stories? Which one do you prefer on a cold, rainy night: coffee or tea? Have you long wanted to be a famous celebrity? Is the glass half-full or half-empty in your eyes? Do you practice what you’re going to say before making a phone call? Did your parents send you to music lessons? What would you do if you were on your own and wanted to do something fun? Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? Can you share some funny stories of your childhood? What do you like about your current boss? What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Unique First Date Questions

When would you like to go back in time as an observer, where no one could see you and you couldn’t interact with anything? What dating advice would you give to yourself back in high school? What are three cities in the United States where you will never, ever consider relocating, even though you were offered the work of your dreams? For a year, you must wear a T-shirt with one word on it. Which word would you pick? What age would you want and what would the letter say if you could send one letter to yourself in the past without the goal of being rich? Who would you invite to a dinner party if you could invite ten people, dead or alive, and why? What would you do if you found a briefcase filled with $3 million in $100 bills in front of your door? What advice would you give to someone, if you could tell them just one thing? Do you like it when a guy opens doors or takes your chair out for you? When you’re with strangers, how do you act differently than when you’re with people you know? What apps would you keep if you had to uninstall all but two from your smartphone? What would you say in just two words to your younger self if you could write a letter to yourself? Do you like men’s cologne or do you find it to be overpowering? Do you have a favorite scent? What are five things that you believe a couple should never do before getting married? What nickname would be perfect for you, and why? What was the largest group of people you have had to present anything to? What is something that the majority of people haven’t done but that you have? What one physical and non-physical aspect of yourself would you change if you could? Where do you think your friends or family would be shocked to find you? Which of your current books would you keep if you could just keep one? If we were just going to talk, where would you take me on a date? When was the last time you sang aloud to yourself or to another person? How do you handle not having your phone with you for an extended period of time? Will you think I was asking you a trick question if I asked you if I could do anything different about my hair? What is something you wish more people knew about you, but you’re glad it’s internalized so being able to sit on this information makes you stronger? What would you change in your life if you knew you were going to die in a year? Which law would you change if you had the power to do so? Would you choose to pursue true love or win $50 million? Who would you choose if you had to choose between living with someone who really loves you but doesn’t love you back and living alone for the rest of your life loving someone who doesn’t love you? What would your dream bar look like if you could build it yourself? How did you survive the COVID-19 pandemic? Do I have the same appearance in real life as you thought I would? Would you rather win $100,000 or let your best friend win $1,000,000? Will you join your partner in doing something you don’t like or enjoy? Where would you like to live if you had five houses to choose from around the world? If you had a robot that could only do one thing, what would it do? Have you tried any unusual dishes? What animal would be the cutest if it was reduced to a cat’s size? Do you like being a part of a large family, being an only child, or having an older sister, etc.? Would you rather spend the rest of your life single or marry someone your parents want for you? What are the questions you would ask your partner before you two get married? Do you have something planned for the future? Or should I help in making them? What do you usually keep inside the trunk of your car? What would you bring home from this place, if you could just take one thing? Which one do you prefer: cry for someone you love or cry with someone you love? Can you tell me which city you are in without telling me which city you are in? What was usually inside your high school locker? What are the red flags to watch out for in your everyday life? What would you eliminate from your daily routine if you could, and why? Which inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played noisy, upbeat music while in use? Check out…250 Deep Questions50 Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl Over Text65 First Date Ideas250 Questions to Ask a Guy250 Conversation Starters

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