There’s nothing like a toe cramp to remind you just how much pain something so small can cause. Toe cramps can seemingly come out of nowhere: All of a sudden, you’re hit with anything ranging from a slight tic to an all-out spasm. You may even see your foot start to twitch. If you’re dealing with toe cramps on a regular basis, it can definitely help to know why the heck it’s happening—and what to do in your moment of pain. Even though they may seem to strike out of the blue, podiatrists say there are specific causes for toe cramps and knowing what they are can help prevent them from happening as often. Just as important is knowing when toe cramping is serious enough when you should seek out a doctor for help. According to podiatrist Chanel Perkins, DMP, an assistant professor at The University of Texas Medical Branch, what’s happening in the body when someone gets a toe cramp depends on the exact cause. That’s why it’s so important to determine the root issue. Need some help figuring it out? Here, podiatrists share the top reasons for toe cramps and give tips on what to do.

8 reasons for toe cramps

1. Dehydration

One super common reason for toe cramps according to Dr. Perkins is dehydration. Simply put, not drinking enough water prevents muscles from functioning properly. (And yes, there are muscles in your toes.) Dehydration can cause muscles to malfunction, resulting in spasms. The fix here is pretty straightforward. “Staying hydrated helps prevent dehydration and will keep electrolytes balanced and maintain water content in your muscles,” Dr. Perkins says. But she adds that overhydration or certain medical conditions can also lead to an electrolyte imbalance, which can also result in toe cramps. A good water goal to aim for is eight, 8-ounce glasses of water today, increasing the amount the more active you are.

2. Nutritional deficiencies

Board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Rico Visperas, DMP, says certain nutritional deficiencies can lead to toe cramps too. “For example, magnesium deficiency is a common cause of not only toe cramps but also muscular twitches,” he says. Since it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what you’re deficient in, he recommends booking an appointment with your doctor for blood work. That way, you know for sure what nutrients you need to be extra mindful of. Chances are, not getting enough is affecting your health in ways beyond toe cramps so upping your intake will have other benefits beyond no more cramping.

3. Poor circulation

If you spend the majority of the day glued to one spot—like sitting at the computer—Dr. Perkins says the lack of movement could be causing your toe cramping. “Lack of blood flow leads to low oxygenation and nutrition in the tissues, causing them to cramp,” she says. If you can’t take consistent breaks, wiggling your toes from time to time can help get the blood flowing. (But seriously, take breaks—especially to refill your water glass, since it’s important to stay hydrated, too).

4. Your shoes

Both experts say there are a few different ways shoes can cause toe cramps. “Poor fitting shoes that put pressure on the front and sides of your feet can definitely contribute to your symptoms,” Dr. Visperas says. If you wear sneakers most of the time, he recommends getting fitted at an athletic store so a specialist can take proper measurements and make sure that you’re wearing the correct shoe for your shoe type. “All brands are not the same when it comes to shoe sizes so this is a must,” Dr. Visperas says. He adds that foot size can also change over time, so if you haven’t gotten new shoes in a few years, it’s worth it to get resized. If you’re wearing shoes that aren’t comfortable to wear for a prolonged amount of time (like dress shoes or heels), Dr. Perkins says this can also cause toe cramping. “If shoes are too tight, like a pair of high heels with a pointed narrow toe box, then the toes are forced into an unnatural anatomical position that it makes it harder to walk and balance. This causes stress and strain on the muscle tendons, leading to toe cramps,” she says. To help minimize this as much as possible, Dr. Visperas recommends shopping for dress shoes at the end of the day, when feet are a little more swollen and can accommodate any swelling that occurs when you wear them.

5. It’s cold out

Remember how poor circulation can lead to toe cramps? Both experts point out that cold weather prevents blood from flowing as easily—particularly to fingers and toes. “When it gets colder outside, the cool temps cause the muscles to lose heat. This heat loss leads to muscle contraction,” Dr. Perkins says. “When the muscle contracts, tension is created at the joint and there is a decrease in range of motion so the joint has to work harder in colder weather, which could lead to cramping.” If you know you’re going to be out in the cold for a prolonged amount of time, make sure to protect your feet by wearing thick socks and wiggle your toes periodically to help with blood flow.

6. Tight muscles or overextension

According to Dr. Perkins, not stretching before a workout can lead to muscle cramping, including in your toes. This is because it leads to muscle tightness. She also says that too much of the same movement can cause cramping as well. “Repetitive exercises or motions that constantly stress or jam the toe joints will lead to toe cramps,” she says. The lesson here: Show your feet some love before and after you exercise with gentle stretches, including toe flexes.

7. Nerve damage from medical conditions

There are certain medical conditions that can lead to toe cramps due to nerve damage. Dr. Perkins says that toe cramping isn’t unusual in people with diabetes, a side effect of diabetic neuropathy. If you have a medical condition affecting your nervous system, it’s especially important to be mindful of the toe cramp causes on this list as well as talking with your doctor. Dr. Visperas emphasizes that if you have a medical condition and are experiencing toe cramps, it’s crucial to see a doctor as ignoring them could lead to more serious problems. “Peripheral neuropathy is a condition in which nerves of the extremities deteriorate where patients may initially experience burning or tingling leading to eventual complete numbness if not addressed,” he says, adding that people with diabetes especially need to be on the lookout for signs of peripheral neuropathy.

8. Aging

“Sometimes, toe cramping happens as a normal part of the aging process,” Dr. Perkins says. This is because our muscles get weaker as we age and the nerves don’t function as well as before. The best remedy for this? Stay active, eat nutritionally-rich foods, and drink enough water.

Treatment options for toe cramping

Besides the specific advice for preventing toe cramps highlighted above, both experts do have some general tips for treating toe cramps when they occur. Dr. Visperas recommends rolling your foot over a water bottle or lacrosse ball. Then, he recommends placing an ice pack behind the knee, followed by another round of foot-rolling over your water bottle or lacrosse ball. “Last, I suggest doing stretches for your calf muscle to take tension off your posterior chain,” he says. Dr. Perkins says that gently massaging the toe joint can also help as well as stretching the toes by flexing them up and down, and rotating the foot around. She adds that taking an anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen can also help. Both experts say there are times when seeing a doctor is key. Dr. Perkins says when cramping is constant and does not go away with rest, self-treatments, or over-the-counter medications, it’s time to book an appointment. Ditto if there is associated swelling, bruising, numbness, or an increase in skin temperature (like a fever in the toe). And if the toe cramping is so bad that you can’t walk, that’s another sure sign to see a doctor. If you’re debating whether or not to see a doctor because of your toe cramping, it’s very likely a good idea to see one. That way, you’ll be working with a trained specialist who can help you get to the bottom of your foot pain. Toe cramping is a huge annoyance, but keeping the eight causes highlighted here in mind can help keep them from striking as often. That way, you’ll feel your best from head to toe. Next up, find out how the pandemic is affecting our toes. (Yep, it’s happening!)


Chanel Perkins, DMP, podiatrist and assistant professor at The University of Texas Medical BranchRico Visperas, DMP,  board certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon 8 Reasons You Get Toe Cramps  According to Experts - 19