What do juice, jelly, and wine have in common? They can all be made using the humble grape. Here in the United States, grapes can be found in most grocery stores the majority of the year. In fact, they’re so commonplace that you might overlook them as you peruse the produce section in search of fruits from tropical locales or that are “trendier,” like the avocado. But overlooking grapes would be a mistake; the small fruit packs plenty of nutritional benefits. Since fruit doesn’t come with a nutritional panel slapped on the side, there’s a good chance you have no idea what vitamins and minerals grapes contain. Below is the nutritional breakdown of a one-cup serving of grapes, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Grape nutrition facts

Water: 122 gProtein: 1 gCarbohydrates: 27 gFiber: 1 gCalcium: 15 mgMagnesium: 11 gPhosphorus: 30 gPotassium: 288 mgVitamin C: 5 gFolate: 3 µgCholine: 8 mgVitamin A: 98 IULutein + zeaxanthin: 109 µg

So, how do these vitamins and minerals translate into actual benefits for the body? Here, three registered dietitians explain. Plus, they give the honest truth about whether or not sipping grape juice or wine will deliver the same benefits.

8 health benefits of grapes

1. Grapes are high in antioxidants

Registered dietitian Melissa Rifkin, RD, says that one of the grape’s biggest nutritional perks is that they’re high in antioxidants, which benefit the body in many ways. One is that it helps ward off high, chronic inflammation—the root cause of chronic illnesses and diseases. Antioxidants also directly benefit the brain and heart, protecting against both cognitive decline and heart disease.

2. They help support a healthy immune system

Registered dietitianAlexandra Caspero, RD, says that one antioxidant in particular that grapes contain is vitamin C. “Vitamin C plays a role in both innate immunities [what you’re born with] and adaptive immunity [what you acquire following virus exposure], though it’s important to know that it doesn’t prevent illnesses like the common cold,” she says. So while you can’t rely on snacking on grapes to prevent sickness altogether, grapes could help your immune system do a better job at fighting off illnesses and recovering faster.

3. They’re good for your skin

Caspero says that vitamin C has other benefits besides supporting the immune system. “It also helps to support collagen production,” she says. Collagen keeps skin looking taut and prevents wrinkles from forming as quickly. Since the vitamin C in grapes helps make collagen more readily available in the body, that makes it a beneficial beauty food.

4. Grapes are hydrating

Grapes are over 80 percent water, which makes them super hydrating. While it’s still important to drink plenty of water every day, eating foods high in water content is another way to stay hydrated and yet another reason why this fruit is so good for the skin.

5. They’re good for your heart

While the fact that grapes are high in antioxidants already makes them a heart-healthy food, registered dietitian Dana White, RD, says there are other ways that they support cardiovascular health. One is that they have potassium. “The muscles—including the heart—nerves, and kidneys all rely on potassium to work optimally,” she says. White also points out that grapes have vitamin K, another nutrient that’s important for cardiovascular health. Diets rich in vitamin K are linked to a lower risk of heart disease, according to scientific studies.

6. Snacking on grapes could help support a good night’s sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, you may want to enjoy a handful of grapes for dessert. “Grapes contain melatonin, which can aid with sleep,” Rifkin says. Sure, grapes aren’t going to solve all your sleep problems, but adding foods with melatonin (like grapes) to your diet will give your body an element of support.

7. They support bone health

Grapes have 15 milligrams of calcium, a key nutrient for bone health. A good calcium goal to aim for is 1,000 milligrams a day, so eating grapes alone won’t get you there, but every little bit helps!

8. They’re low glycemic

Although grapes taste sweet, Rifkin points out that they’re low glycemic, which means they won’t spike blood sugar levels. This means, you can enjoy them as a sweet snack while still keeping your mood and energy levels steady.

What about grape juice and wine?

It’s clear that eating grapes benefit the body in many ways. What’s more, the experts say that you’ll get these benefits whether you go for red grapes or green ones; both are grape, er, great options. “Many of the nutrients in red and green grapes are similar,” White says. “The biggest difference is the pigments in the skins, which feature different types of cell-protecting phytonutrients.” For example, she says that red grapes have a particularly potent antioxidant called resveratrol. If you want to get the nutritional benefits of grapes while enjoying it in juice form, White says it’s important to choose 100 percent fruit juice. “That way, you know it’s free of added sugars,” she says. Even still, she says consuming the fruit itself is more beneficial than drinking grape juice. “Grape juice offers up a concentrated dose of natural fruit sugar, which can have a dramatic effect on blood sugar so should be consumed in moderation,” she says. Wine should also be consumed in moderation. (You knew that was coming, right?) Scientific studies link moderate wine consumption with longevity. Red wine has also been found to be more beneficial than white wine because it is higher in antioxidants. While grape juice and wine are OK in moderation, you’ll get the most nutritional benefits from enjoying grapes in their whole form. “[Almost] 90 percent of Americans don’t meet the fruit and vegetable intake recommendations per day and adding in any fruit [to your diet], grapes included, is a good idea,” Caspero says. As you now know, doing so will benefit the entire body. Sometimes, the best nutritional presents really do come in small packages. Next up, find out what other fruits and vegetables can help you stay hydrated.


Melissa Rifkin, RD, registered dietitianAlexandra Caspero, RD, registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, registered yoga teacherDana White, RD, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant, and certified athletic trainer Are Grapes Good for You  Here s Everything You Need to Know - 10