How to Help Ukraine and Ukrainian Refugees as Russia Invades

One of the most important things to do to aid in any foreign crisis is to vote wisely. American foreign policy dictates almost every other nation’s security and prosperity, be it through alliances and aid or sanctions and drone warfare. Being informed of candidates’ foreign policy stances at the polls, both for presidential and congressional elections, is integral to keeping not just other countries, but also the United States, safe for democracy and habitable for all. We already know that fossil fuels are contributing to global climate change, but they’re doing more damage than just slowly cooking the planet—fossil fuel dependency also greatly affects local, national and global economies and relations. Embracing green energy and technology will also help ease the world’s reliance on foreign oil, including oil from Russia, which can put a strain on diplomacy in oil-rich regions despite certain countries flagrantly disobeying international law and committing rampant human rights abuses. Another key element to keeping peace and holding leadership accountable is to support a free press, both around the world and in the United States. You can donate to the Kyiv Independent here to protect free voices of Ukrainian reporters and support their journalism to keep citizens informed. If you’re truly passionate about the Ukrainian conflict specifically, you may be able to enlist in their military as a foreign national.

Charities and Funds to Help Ukraine and Ukrainian Refugees

The Anhelyk Foundationprovides scholarships and monetary aid to children who’ve lost parents in the Ukraine conflict. Army SOSprovides members of the Ukrainian military with essentials, including body armor, shields and food. CAREis providing food, hygiene kits, water, monetary assistance and psychosocial support services to Ukraine. Casa Lui Patrocleprovides aid to pets and shelter animals in Ukraine. Catholic Relief Servicesbrings hot meals to and provides transportation for Ukrainians who are displaced and in need due to the war. Come Back Aliveprovides food, armor and other necessities to Ukrainian soldiers. Direct Reliefprovides medical professionals with tools and essentials they need to give care to patients in Ukraine. Doctors Without Borders(Médecins Sans Frontières, also called MSF) provides medical and mental health care to those in need in Ukraine and around the world. MSF is actively helping citizens living in areas of eastern Ukraine—near the Russian border—access COVID-19 treatment, as well as general physical and mental healthcare. Global Giving Ukraine Crisis Relief Fundprovides humanitarian aid, including psychosocial services and food, to those affected by the war. GoFundMehas a centralized hub full of verified fundraisers for aid to Ukraine and its citizens. IFAWprovides aid to animal shelters and pets in Ukraine. International Medical Corpsbrings medical and mental health care to Ukraine. International Rescue Committeeis in Poland, where they’re aiding refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine. Nova Ukraineaccepts monetary donations, as well as items for use in care packages, including clothes, shoes, diapers, baby food (with an expiration of more than six months from the current date), personal care items, medicine, pillows and wheelchairs. Operation USAdelivers food, medical care, clothing, shelter supplies and other essentials to those impacted by the war. Project Hopebrings essential medical supplies and care to those in need in Ukraine. Razom for Ukraineprovides care and supplies to Ukrainian troops and those in need in the region. Revived Soldiers Ukrainehelps transport injured Ukrainian troops to the United States to receive medical care. Save the Childrenprovides humanitarian relief to kids traumatized, displaced and otherwise harmed by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Russia. Sunflower of Peaceprovides care packages and backpacks of supplies for those in high-need areas of eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian Red Crossprovides relief to eastern Ukraine through several channels. International Committee for the Red Cross spokeperson Eliza Gorham Shaw told The Los Angeles Timesthat their efforts in the region “repair thousands of homes damaged in the conflict, hospitals and primary healthcare facilities, schools and community centers” and that the organization has “provided income-generating and food-producing initiatives and improved learning and safety conditions of schools close to the line of contact.” UNHCR(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) provides humanitarian relief for those displaced by war. Ryan Reynoldsand Blake Livelypledged to match donations to UNCHR up to $1 million. UNICEFis working to help Ukraine in various ways, including trucking safe water to conflict-affected areas; prepositioning health, hygiene and emergency education supplies as close as possible to communities near the line of contact; and working with municipalities to ensure there is immediate help for children and families in need. UNICEF-supported mobile teams are also providing psychosocial care to children traumatized by chronic insecurity. United Help Ukraine distributes food, medicine and other essential items to those displaced and otherwise harmed by the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. Voices of Childrenprovides psychiatric and mental health relief to traumatized minors in war-torn areas of eastern Ukraine. World Central Kitchenis providing meals to those displaced by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. World Helpprovides food, water and other necessities to those affected by the war. Next, Meet the Ukrainian Women Who Are Stepping up to Fight Russia.

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