As what’s touted as the final installment of the Jurassic World trilogy hits the big screen, we’ve gone back and re-watched all the Jurassic pictures to give you the definitive ranking of this hugely popular series. In ascending order, here are all six Jurassic Park movies, ranked.

Jurassic Park Movies Ranked From Worst to Best

6. Jurassic World Dominion (2022) 

Running an interminable 147 minutes with little thrust or excitement to speak of, Dominion makes the dumb gory brevity of Jurassic Park III look appealing. By comparison, that movie looks like A Quiet Place. Dominion is even heavier on fan service and nostalgic winks than the least of the modern-era Star Warsfilms, and it all just feels so tired. Even the climactic action scenes, which should always be non-negotiable as a source of some thrills in a Jurassic Park movie, are shockingly anticlimactic and lame. The juvenile enthusiasm that was Jurassic World’s one saving grace is now gone, and none of the effects look as good as anything in Jurassic Park, which was 30 years ago. Dominion is overstuffed with A-list actors who’ve all proven they can do great work, but this mega-blockbuster, which feels even more safe, uninspired and manufactured than the norm, ultimately asks little more of them than running and screaming. Some of Goldblum’s jokes are indeed funny, though. The best part: Bryce Dallas Howardstands out. Claire might be the only character in seven hours of Jurassic World movies who has an arc. Howard is a striking talent on-screen and behind the camera, and she (like all these actors) deserves way better than this.

5. Jurassic Park III (2001)

This is the one where a dinosaur, sitting in an airplane, says, “Alan.” But that’s not what’s wrong with this movie, believe it or not. This franchise has never received the kind of rapturous acclaim of, say, the Star Wars movies at their best—and some even call this series critic-proof: as long as big dinosaurs eat people, audiences will show up in droves. Nevertheless, Jurassic Park III is a distinct low point. Thinly drawn human characters is the most common criticism directed at this series since day one, but this screenplay reduces first-class actors like William H. Macy, Sam Neill, Alessandro Nivola andTéa Leoni to playing cardboard cutouts who are selfish and unlikeable, constantly fighting and crossing each other. We’re left rooting for the dinos to win the whole time, and that’s not the way it’s supposed to be. Add to that the goriest kills of the series, and Jurassic Park III is a slasher movie. Not even a particularly remarkable one. Jurassic Park III made about one-third of the original’s box office haul (less if you account for inflation), and the once-dino-sized franchise remained in limbo for 14 years. The best part: “Alan.” It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

4. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

In a characteristically genuine and blunt interview with The New York Times in 2016, Steven Spielberg himself admitted The Lost World was a disappointment. Universal Pictures Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton actually killed off Dr. Ian Malcolm in the original novel, but Jeff Goldblum’s quirky embodiment proved so popular with audiences that the writer ret-conned him back into the second book so he could be in the next movie. Unfortunately, on-screen Malcolm was uncomfortably reinvented as a leading man, toning down the personality that made him such a hit in the first place. Likewise, this movie in general could really use more spark, not to mention more cohesiveness. It’s kind of a wan film— then there’s a gymnastics routine that slays a dino, this series’ most head-scratching beat until “Alan.” But Spielberg is Spielberg, so of course, some of the action here is awesome. A standout sequence involves a vehicle dangling from a cliff, leaving those inside separated from a watery grave below by nothing but thin panes of glass. It’s a genuine nail-biter. The best part: English character actor Pete Postlethwaiteturns in hands-down the film’s most authentic performance, elevating the material. The actor sadly passed away in 2011, leaving behind great work. Spielberg even called him “probably the best actor in the world” after making this film.

3. Jurassic World (2015)

Visually spectacular, filled to the brim with visceral dino action fans crave and a great deal of snarky meta-humor, this one brought the franchise roaring back to life, grossing a jaw-dropping $1.67 billion worldwide. It must be said, there is deep cynicism in Jurassic World, and it has divided critics. Some say the film is social commentary; others say it’s merely cynical. You be the judge. What’s undeniable is that the script lets down the thousand-watt charms of stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, giving them scarce little to work with. The most gruesome death in this entire franchise—by some margin—is that of Claire’s assistant Zara (Katie McGrath). It is genuinely disturbing, out of place in a family movie. Meanwhile, the mustache-twirling villain (Vincent D’Onofrio) gets eaten offscreen. It just doesn’t add up, and though there are big dino thrills to be sure, it’s hard to walk out of the movie feeling good. The best part: The climactic dino rumble—the T-rex and Blue the raptor take on the Indominus rex—is undeniably a showstopper, like something a child would make up with dinosaur toys come vividly to life. Clearly, it was worth the price of admission for millions.

2. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom(2018)

In short, this is the best Jurassic Park sequel, but it leaves plenty to be desired. It was easy to get excited when J.A. Bayona, helmer of The Orphanage, The Impossible and A Monster Calls was announced as director. His singular eye for grandeur, Gothic horror, visual poetry and even physical comedy is what elevates Fallen Kingdom above all entries in this franchise since 1993. But that’s at odds with the awkwardly paced story and…thinly drawn human characters. Owen and Claire are given a little more to do and a little more identity, thankfully, and the cynicism of Fallen Kingdom’s immediate predecessor has been toned down. Newcomers Daniella Pinedaand Justice Smithare really talented and likable. The best part: A genuinely haunting and upsetting image of a brachiosaurus left by its creators to die in a volcanic inferno is what you’ll remember way after the credits roll. It’s one of the very best moments in this entire series, a testament to Bayona’s unique gifts, and it makes one wonder about what might have been if he were working with more graceful, thoughtful material here.

1. Jurassic Park (1993) 

Crichton’s 1990 novel about the disasters that befall a wildlife park of cloned dinosaurs was so tantalizing as a source for a film that an industry-wide bidding war ensued before it even hit shelves. Eventually, the rights went to Spielberg and Universal. The special effects were shopped to the greatest creators in the business: Industrial Light and Magic for CGI and Stan Winston for animatronics. Jurassic Park had a record-setting $65 million marketing campaign, including tie-ins with over 100 companies; that all paid off when it became [unadjusted for inflation] the highest-grossing movie ever. Critics at the time—and many today—generally liked Jurassic Park, but couldn’t help but compare it unfavorably to Spielberg’s Jaws, a masterpiece of slow-burn tension with fully realized, compelling and flawed central characters. That definitely holds water, but Jurassic Park essentially is Jaws when compared to most blockbusters of its era and to the other films on this list. The best part: The big first-act reveal of the brachiosaurus is one of those iconic moments of wonder that only comes around every so often in blockbuster filmmaking, right up there with Luke staring off into Tatooine’s dual sunsets, and Jack and Rose “flying” on the bow of the Titanic. The best part (runner-up): The raptors’ pursuit of the kids in a gigantic commercial kitchen, utilizing reflective surfaces and ingenious sound design, is a mini-masterpiece of suspense, a firm reminder (not that we needed one) that Spielberg is in a league of his own when it comes to this kind of thing. From Universal Pictures, Jurassic World Dominion is now playing nationwide. Next, check out Steven Spielberg’s 10 most unforgettable villains of all time.

Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 92Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 33Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 89Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 1Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 80Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 30Jurassic Park Movies Ranked Worst to Best  All Six Ranked in Order - 40