In the ensuing years, both Heughan and Balfe have been named producers on the series, and for season 6, Heughan, during a 92Y Talks with Josh Horowitz, revealed one of the pluses the new title has afforded him. “I brought on board the intimacy advisor Vanessa Coffey because with intimate scenes, it’s important that everyone is protected, but also we find a way to explore these scenes and actually maybe get something more out of them,” he said. “I think this season we’ve done an even better job with those types of scenes because she really helped us understand what we are doing and how we build up this relationship and take it somewhere else, so she’s been terrific.” Fans won’t have to wait long to see the results of Coffey’s work with Heughan and Balfe because their love scenes begin in the first episode back. But Heughan says he didn’t just bring Coffey onboard to work with him and Balfe, but for other members of the cast, as well. “I got into this in a very different time and the Starz network was different, but also the industry was different, and so we really didn’t know what we were doing,” Heughan said, referring to his early days on the series. “We were thrown in the deep end and had to learn through the experience, so I think it’s been really great to bring Vanessa on board to help younger actors with less experience.” Heughan said he is also looking forward to the storyline with the Christie family –Tom (Mark Lewis Jones) and his children Allan (Alexander Vlahos) and Malva (Jessica Reynolds)—who according to Heughan are “trouble,” but then he leaked a spoiler. “The big one is the last two episodes, I think, when the Browns come into play.” If you’ve read the books, you know what Richard Brown (Chris Larkin) does that really shakes things up on Fraser’s Ridge, but even fans of only the series know that Brown has had it out for Jamie ever since he returned Brown’s brother Lionel’s (Ned Dennehy) body to him. Heughan was also asked by a fan what Jamie had taught him and he said that was tough to answer because he doesn’t think he will know until the show is finished. “It’s really hard to look outside when you’re in it,” he said. “I do look back, but I think once it’s all over, whenever that is, when I look back it’s going to be really sad to say goodbye. I can feel that. It’s been a huge part of my life so I will have a lot to thank Jamie for.” Heughan’s mentioning the end of the series opened the door to the question of just when that will be. “It’s a conversation that people started having, in the press as well,” Heughan admitted. “Everything comes to an end and I know Diana Gabaldon is writing the end. It’s going to be interesting to see where we are now and just where this journey is going.  It’s been such a journey, so yeah, we obviously have to start thinking about it. We have to start planning.” That said, it does sound as if Heughan plans to stick around until Gabaldon finishes the story! Outlander season 6 will premiere on Sunday, March 6 on Starz. Next, Check Out the Latest Sneak Peek From Season 6 of Outlander and Find Out Which Cast Member Calls It His Favorite Season Yet

Outlander Star Sam Heughan on Bringing in an Intimacy Advisor  2022  - 87Outlander Star Sam Heughan on Bringing in an Intimacy Advisor  2022  - 3