The two have been wed for over a decade, and despite having careers in separate industries, they team up regularly for work and other projects. For instance, their Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation has provided 16 million meals to children in the Oakland, California, area since its founding in 2019. In 2021, HBO Max aired their show, About Last Night, where they play relationship trivia and other games with other celebrity couples. They’ve even done a Sesame Street cooking challenge together. “They started perfect. It’s going perfect. They have perfect babies,” says one family friend. “They have perfect parents. They were perfect kids. It’s a perfect relationship.” So before watching Curry dominate the court, keep reading to find out why he and Ayesha didn’t date for years after they met, how their engagement was like your favorite sappy romance story, how Drake let the world know he thinks she’s the perfect wife and how they keep their relationship strong. Here’s what we know about Steph Curry and his wife, Ayesha.
Is Steph Curry married?
Since 2011, Steph Curry has been married to Ayesha Curry.
Who is Ayesha Curry?
Ayesha Disa Curry was born in Toronto, Canada, and comes from a mixed racial background. “My mom is Jamaican and Chinese, and my dad is Polish and African"‘American, so I’m very mixed [culturally],” she’s said. Even though she identifies as a Black woman, she says that “my nickname in high school was United Nations.” When she was 14, she moved with her four siblings and her parents to Charlotte, North Carolina. Early on, Ayesha loved working in the kitchen. Her parents even threw a cooking party for her 13th birthday. “My friends and I cooked the day away! That moment made a big impact on me. I didn’t know I could be doing that for a living,” she told Forbes in 2016. Still, after leaving high school, she wanted to try acting, so she went out west and appeared in various TV shows, including Hannah Montana. Her acting career came to an end when the Currys married and had their first child. “She was a borderline honeymoon baby,” Ayesha shared with Parents. “So that became my next move. I struggled with that for a while.” She never stopped cooking, and her husband nudged her toward food blogging. “It was Stephen who one day said, ‘Everybody’s always asking for your recipes … Why don’t you start a blog?’” Less than five years later, O Magazine was calling her a “culinary wunderkind.” She’s since launched a meal kit delivery meal service, hosted Ayesha’s Homemade and Ayesha’s Home Kitchen on the Food Network and she became the first CoverGirl who wasn’t a model or in the entertainment industry in 2017. These days she is running a restaurant (with Chef Michael Mina) and a wine company with Sydel, Curry’s younger sister. In March she did a footwear collab with JustFab. Ayesha also started Sweet July, a lifestyle brand that is launching a subscription box. Ayesha is a New York Times bestselling author twice over, for The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith, and the Joy of Eating Well and The Full Plate: Flavor-Filled, Easy Recipes for Families with No Time and a Lot to Do. She was also named one ofForbes’ 30 under 30 in 2017. Even after all these accomplishments, she has to prove she’s not just a basketball wife. “I’ve had people laugh directly in my face before,” Ayesha has said. “I had to break down so many barriers and walls and assumptions about the type of person that I was before I even walked into a room,” she says. “Part of the dream and the hustle is plowing through the no’s to get to the yes’s.”
How old is Ayesha Curry?
Born on March 23, 1989, Ayesha is now 33 years old. Her husband was born on March 14, 1988, making him a year older than his wife.
How did Steph Curry meet Ayesha Curry?
“Our parents used to make jokes about how cute we were together, but we didn’t know,” Steph once recalled about his future wife, who he met in a church youth group when he was 15 and she was 14, soon after she arrived in Charlotte. But even if they wanted to, dating wasn’t a possibility. Why? “I wasn’t allowed to date in high school,” Ayesha told Parents. “We always laugh that we were both focused on God.” Still, she managed to flirt with Curry anyway—through his taste buds. She’d bring Maynards Fuzzy Peach candies from Canada; Curry’s family had actually lived in Toronto for a year because of his dad’s own NBA career. “I got him some Fuzzy Peaches but I was so shy I didn’t say anything. I just handed them to him and walked off,” she remembered later. Curry’s sister Sydel—a close confidante and business partner today—found the situation very “lame.” “She would find him after church, barely say two words, and likewalk away. I would look at her like ‘God, she’s so lame.’ He clearly liked it. It left an impression.” They went their separate ways naturally. He went off to college and she went out to L.A. But when Curry was nominated for an ESPY for Breakout Star in 2008, he traveled to Los Angeles with his dad for the awards and remembered Ayesha was there. He contacted her through Facebook and they went on a date. Curry didn’t know what the ESPYs were, but went out with him anyway. “She really didn’t know what I did at the time,” he says. “It was pretty refreshing,” he told PEOPLE The first kiss was a miss. “He was in mid-conversation and came flying at my face like a thief in the night,” Ayesha once said in an interview. “So I was like, No. Then I thought, ‘Oh, I didn’t know this is what was happening.’” But she soon warmed to the man who would become her husband. As he was more and more noticed for his skills on the court, she realized that he remained gentle and kind. “I think it’s when I realized how humble and selfless he was,” she said. “And honestly he’s so funny, I don’t think a lot of people know how funny he is. When I realized I could just let go and laugh and be myself around him, and that even with everything he had going on in his life at the time he was still this humble, kind, generous, gentle person, I knew that’s who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” When Curry was finally drafted by the NBA and they were going to be separated for a time, Ayesha sat he and a friend down and explained, step by step, how to make chicken pasta so they could cook for themselves.
How long have Steph and Ayesha been married?
When it came time to propose, Curry did the deed at the site of their first kiss: his parents’ driveway, in the rain. “Yeah, it was like TheNotebook,” he recalled in 2016. “The plan was to act like we were going to a family cookout. So we pulled up to the house, and I stopped in the middle of the driveway, got down on my knee, and went into my spiel. Little did I know the whole family was looking out the window, videotaping the moment.” “He asked me if I knew where we were standing. It was the spot where we had our first kiss,” Ayesha shared later. “He pulled me close and started saying all these sweet things and then dropped down on one knee. I was in a state of shock.”
When did Steph Curry get married?
The Currys got married when he was just 23 and she was 22. “Why waste time if you’ve found the one, right?” he said in 2020. The two married on July 30 where they met: the Central Church of God in Charlotte, North Carolina. The groom wore a smoke-gray suit with black piping, while Ayesha wore a white Amsale taffeta gown. Four hundred and twenty guests shared the day with them. They honeymooned in Bora Bora before getting back to business, literally; Ayesha finished up her business degree and Curry had the NBA to return to, in addition to coursework for his sociology degree.
Why did Drake name-drop Ayesha Curry?
For some time, Ayesha Curry has been viewed as an ideal wife in some circles. “A devout Christian, she’s attractive and respectable, celebrating her life as a wife and mother, while also advocating for modest dress and ‘classier’ standards,” wrote Stereo Williams in 2016.Still, fans were surprised when rapper Drake released his album Certified Lover Boy and name-dropped his NBA star friend’s wife in the song “Race My Mind.” “How I’m supposed to wife it? / You’re not Ayesha enough,” he rapped. The Currys, who are friendly with the Canadian rapper, were OK with the reference; Curry congratulated him about the album on Twitter and Ayesha shared a Drake track list in an Instagram story.
How many kids do Steph Curry and Ayesha Curry have?
The Currys are the proud parents of three kids: Daughters Riley, 9, and Ryan, 6, as well as son Canon, 3. In an interesting twist, all three were born in the month of July–the month the two got married. “Riley was hustling to come out,” on July 19, 2012, almost a year after their marriage, Curry recalled later. He barely had time to get into scrubs to help deliver her. “That was a very cool experience.” In 2015, when she was 2, Riley made an appearance at one of her dad’s press conferences. She famously told her daddy he was too loud, waved at people and hid under the dais. “She sat up there, and that’s when her personality shined bright. I tried my best to answer the questions even while feeling under the table and checking out of the corner of my eye—where is Riley?” Curry later explained. “She’s got a great sense of humor. Now she’s the star of the family.” “On the day of that press conference, our daughter wanted to be with her father,” noted Ayesha afterwards. “I thought it was beautiful for him not to push his daddy duties to the bottom of the list just because all eyes were on him. I believe you should let your children be children, and don’t be afraid to be a parent, regardless of who’s watching.” The couple welcomed their second daughter, Ryan, on July 10, 2015. During her third pregnancy, Ayesha revealed that she had hyperemesis gravidarum, a.k.a. extreme morning sickness; she couldn’t stand the smell of food, which sent the chef into a “funk. “I don’t want to say I’m depressed because I take mental health very seriously, but I am truly very sad,” she wrote. However, she was thrilled on July 2, 2018, when the family welcomed Canon, their first boy. “My heart is FULL. God has been too good to us,” Ayesha posted on Instagram, along with a pic of their two daughters holding their brother. “He joined us earlier than we thought and we couldn’t be more excited and grateful. Family of 5!” Will any of the kids play b-ball? “My oldest, I asked her if she wanted to play basketball and it was a firm no,” Curry said in an interview in 2021; turns out, it’s because she’s seen her dad with so many injuries. “I said ‘I’m sorry I scared you away from the game on that front.’” What about the other two? “You’ll see either my 5-year-old or my 2-year-old definitely playing at some point. They’re definitely interested and they’re obsessed with the game, so we’ll see how it goes.”
Are Ayesha Curry and Steph still together?
Yes! In fact, in 2021 on their 10th wedding anniversary, Steph surprised Ayesha with a surprise vow renewal ceremony in their backyard. He even picked out her dress, she shared. “Our big girl Riley officiated. Ryan and Canon walked me through the grass of our backyard. It’s everything I’ve always dreamed of but didn’t know could be possible in this way. A moment I will never forget. I love you,” Ayesha posted on Instagram. It’s not the first time Curry has gone out of his way to celebrate his wife and their relationship. In 2020 for Mother’s Day, Curry worked with Under Armour to release a limited-edition shoe in her honor, calling her “Chef Curry” and using colors that matched The Seasoned Life’s cover. They even have matching tattoos that depict two arrows pointing at each other. “This signifies that the past is behind us and the future is in front of us, so we stay in the middle, in the moment,” Curry revealed in 2016. At his games, the two share a pre-game ritual where “I smack my tattoo and she does the same.” “It’s a reminder for him to have fun. I never want him to forget that,” Ayesha said. Did either of them learn something from their parents? Both sets of parents remain married, and the best piece of advice she got from them is “making sure that we put each other first, even before the kids, as tough as that sounds,” Ayesha has said. Not forgetting to date each other is important too, she says. Because of the high-profile life they live, the Currys like to keep things simple at home. “I like to say I’m just a young woman who happened to marry somebody that ended up playing basketball,” she said in 2016. “And for him I don’t think he would identify himself as a basketball player. He’s a young man of God placed in a great position doing what he loves, playing basketball.” “We were just two kids enjoying life together and not really knowing what’s about to happen,” Curry said of their early relationship. Now the two of them realize they’re in a unique position. “We appreciate the ability to impact and inspire people because of our relationship. We’re not perfect…but if we can persevere, we can be that inspiration.” Next, Ayesha Curry on Cooking With Family: ‘It’s Messy But the Memories You Make Are Worth It’