In this sneak peek from tonight’s Battles, we get a look at Team Gwen’s Alyssa Witrado versus Ian Harrison performing Billie Eilish’s “Happier Than Ever” “Oh, my goodness, I loved that,” John said when the duo was finished. “That was so good. You both are so freaking cool. Seriously. When you walked out, I was telling Gwen how I loved both of your outfit choices. You look like stars. Ian, I love that depth in your voice. It’s just so full and has such presence. It felt like the song wasn’t too big for you. You were there to dominate the song. Alyssa, you were pretty much flawless. Your voice sounded amazing. Your tone was perfect for the song. I would pick Alyssa only because the song was right in her wheelhouse but both of you were really good. I really enjoyed you both.” But Blake disagreed. His critique was, “I felt that Alyssa stayed in her lane the entire time. And Ian, at first, I thought, ‘Oh, my God. He’s going to be stuck down there in that lower register the entire time,’ but then the bridge happened. And that’s when you got the big reaction out of the room. We all felt that. I got to see two different versions of Ian up there, you know, and they were both really good. The shock factor of that is the reason I would be picking Ian based on what I just heard in that moment.” Camila was in agreement with John. She said, “If I had to pick, I would say Alyssa because performance-wise, from the beginning to the end, she just kept blowing my mind. I was like, ‘I’m about to start a Twitter fan account for this girl. I’ll be right back. I’ll be AlyssaStanNumber 13.’ But Ian, I think with the right song, I could start a fan account that’s like IanLover105.” Then it was time for their coach Gwen to weigh in with her thoughts on her artists’ performance. She told them, “Ian, your kind of voice for a male is my favorite kind of voice, and you have so much range. When you went to your high notes, it was as good as any alternative singer. I’m a super fan of what you do. Alyssa, I think I want to be you when I grow up. You did [No Doubt’s] Don’t Speak” [for her Blind Audition]. It was the first time probably in my entire career that I was like, ‘Actually that was pretty good.’ I liked that, so this is really hard for me. I don’t know what to do at this point. I really don’t." Gwen shared that 100 percent of where she was leaning in that moment was not what she thought she was going to do. “I absolutely did not know this was going to happen. Don’t be mad at me guys, I love you both and I think you’re both super gifted. You have a future. Keep loving music. Keep being honest with your music and do it for the right reason.” Tune in to The Voice tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on NBC to find out which artist Gwen picked as the winner of the Battle. Next, Read Blake Shelton’s Heartfelt Goodbye to The Voice