Characterized by irritability, restlessness, excessive worrying and often insomnia, many people find they’re able to function even with low level anxiety lingering in the background, while others convince themselves it’s “not that bad,” or that with time, it will go away. But at what point do we need to see a therapist about our anxiety? We went straight to the source (therapists) to find out.

Coping with low-grade anxiety at home

As with most mental health issues, anxiety is on a spectrum. For some people, it pops up during stressful times, or maybe it’s always lingering somewhere nearby but feels manageable. In that case, certain lifestyle choices can help quite a bit. “Managing stress and anxiety can be as simple as taking care of yourself mind, body and spirit,” says Dr. Deena Manion, PsyD, LCSW, and Westwind Recovery’s Clinical Officer. “This means regular exercise, sleep, relaxation, and healthy diet as well as guided breathing and meditation techniques. Download an app like Calm or Headspace to help guide you through the process.” Alison Stone, LCSW, a New York-based holistic psychotherapist adds that in addition to getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly, fresh air and music can help. “The key is knowing yourself and what your mind and body respond to most effectively,” she says. 

The top signs that it’s time to see a therapist about your anxiety

To be clear, it’s always a good idea to get the help of a mental health professional for your anxiety if you think you need it. But if you’re searching for specific “signs,” Stone says, “When your anxiety begins to interfere with your quality of life (affecting your job, or your relationship with others for example) that’s typically a good sign that it’s time to enlist professional support. But honestly, you don’t ’need’ to be drowning in order to benefit from therapy. I’m a big believer in the idea that everyone, especially now, could benefit from having an extra pair of ears to listen and support them.”  Or, you can take a free online anxiety assessment through sites like Psychology Today or WebMD. “This will give you an idea of how serious the anxiety is and help guide you toward the best course of action,” explains Dr. Manion. “If your anxiety symptoms get in the way of your daily functioning, relationships, or you notice it is progressively getting worse, talking to a therapist or even your internal medicine doctor can help to determine the level of help you might need.”  While seeing a therapist about your anxiety is great, it’s also a good idea to supplement therapy with some of the activities mentioned above like regular exercise, meditation, journaling, and more. Anxiety treatment plans look different for everyone, and they do require some work both in the therapy office and out of them.

Virtual therapy options worth trying

Don’t feel comfortable going to see a therapist in person yet? That’s OK—in fact, many therapists are doing sessions virtually right now. Psychology Today is a great resources for finding therapists near you that take insurance, so when you call or email a potential therapist, see if they’re offering sessions via Zoom or another virtual platform. And with the invention of text therapy and other online therapy platforms, you don’t have to feel boxed in by traditional forms of therapy either. Give some of these online therapy platforms a try:

TalkSpace, an online therapy platform that will work with you to find a trained, vetted and (most importantly) licensed therapist.BetterHelp, a platform that promises to match you with a counselor “who fits your objectives, preferences and the type of issues you are dealing with.”AmWell,  a web or mobile app where you can see a psychologist, psychiatrist and/or counselor “face-to-face” to address any mental health concerns.ReGain,  an online therapy platform that address relationship issues. So if your relationship is the root of some of your anxiety—or if you simply think your relationship could use some professional help—ReGain is a great option.

Next up, millennial burnout is real—so here’s your anti-burnout action plan.


Dr. Deena Manion, PsyD, LCSW, and Westwind Recovery’s Clinical OfficerAlison Stone, LCSW, a New York-based holistic psychotherapistAnxiety and Depression Association of America: “Facts & Statistics” When to Talk to a Therapist About Anxiety - 51