What’s the secret behind all this success? Credit two things: One, his better half, wife Caroline “Lina” Boyer Bryan. , and two, what she’s called his “God-given talent to entertain—it’s so natural to him. He’s the guy that walks into a room and everyone wants to hang out with him. We’ll be at an event, and I’ll be ready to head home and go to bed. Meanwhile, Luke will have made his way into a DJ booth and taken over. He is always there to make people smile and have a good time.” That’s not to say Bryan’s married to a shrinking violet. Boyer has amassed over a million followers on social media with her frank and funny posts, and her pranks are legendary—every year she goes toe to toe with Bryan during what they call “Pranksmas.” She’s even co-starred in her hubby’s Jockey commercials. So who is the woman who’s got Bryan so loved-up that he even had her initials tattooed on his bottom (thanks for that tea, Jason Aldean!)? Keep reading to find out about everything we know about Luke Bryan’s marriage to wife Caroline Boyer, including how they started out as college sweethearts, how they contend with heartbreaking loss and how they manage to keep their love alive while having almost too much fun.

Is Luke Bryan married?

Yes, and he has been for a while. Anyone who follows Bryan on social media or spots him on red carpets has most definitely seen his alongside his wife of 14 years, Caroline Boyer Bryan.

What does Luke Bryan’s wife do for a living?

Years ago, the 41-year-old Boyer was a drug rep. And in the beginning of their marriage, Boyer supported her husband. “When we got married, her career supported me when I was making about $10,000 a year,” he shared on the Pickler & Ben show in 2018. “She was the one bringing in the dough.” These days, Boyer has a clothing line called Best Bad Influence; all proceeds go to the Brett Boyer Foundation, started in honor of her brother’s deceased daughter, to raise awareness about congenital heart disease. She also runs Brett’s Barn, a miniature animal farm visited by children from St. Jude’s, Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and others. “We love these animals and the amazing children that come visit. It’s truly a special place and we can feel Brett’s spirit there every single day,” Boyer says, while Bryan has said, “It’s not just about one hospital or one organization. We’ve had St. Jude, we’ve had kids come out, if it’s something that touches our hearts… it gets to us and we try to make a really special moment for the kids and the families.”  Boyer is also a one-time video vixen, appearing in the music video for Bryan’s song “Crash My Party”. “We had a good time doing that, and it was fun having her a part of the video,” the now-45-year-old Bryan said in 2014 . “No more models for me.” He also doesn’t want his wife to live in his shadow. He’s said, “I also want her to be able to carve her own path and not feel like, just because she married some guy that somehow pulled off being a country singer that she’s just ’tsunami-ed’ by all of that.” And even though she doesn’t get paid for it, Boyer is practically a professional prankster. Every year during the holiday season, she gets into the holiday event called “Pranksmas” with family and friends—primarily Bryan.  “Once she started doing it, she started realizing that people are having a blast with this stuff. Now I find that we’re sitting in bed at night, and I’m like, ‘Hey, so-and-so’s coming in. You ought to do this to him.’ So it makes us kind of get together and plan out some funny stuff.” One year, Boyer painted a bar of soap with clear nail polish and recorded Bryan trying to wash with the soap that just wouldn’t lather. Another time, she hid in a cabinet above the fridge and startled him so badly with a scream he dropped the beer he was holding. Of course, Bryan gets good ones in, too. One year, he and Tim Tebow played a prank on Boyer. Bryan had Boyer look around the house for Tebow’s Heisman trophy that had been “mailed” to their home—and when she “found” it, it was broken. “Luke convinced me that Tim Tebow’s Heisman was trashed and it was pretty much my fault!” she wrote on an Instagram video. “I think my blood pressure went to an all time high!!”

How did Luke Bryan meet his wife?

It was love at first sight—for one of them. “It took me eight seconds to figure it out—and it took her about eight years to figure it out,” Bryan has said. The two met at a college bar in Statesboro, Georgia, named Dingus Magee’s. A college senior at Southern Georgia University at the time, Bryan says it took eight seconds for him to fall for the blue-eyed beauty he saw that night. “I had to drink a lot before I could go talk to her, but I did. Somehow I managed to ease over there and somewhat be charming,” he recalls. View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Caroline Bryan (@linabryan3) But his forwardness was a little awkward for Boyer, who was a freshman and had only been at college for a week! ”It was my first time in a bar. I was so sheltered growing up in a very small town and I’d had the same boyfriend since 8th grade,” Boyer remembered during a 2019 podcast. “Luke’s personality was so big, I was staring at him like, ‘Is this guy for real?’ He was the second guy I ever kissed in my life. Ever.”  But that’s not to say that Boyer didn’t make a move; she kissed him first. “He was always a gentleman,” she said in 2014. “We hung out as friends first and he never made a move on me. I kissed him first! He was always so scared of making a girl feel uncomfortable, he wouldn’t cross a line.” They had an on-and-off again relationship that likely seems familiar to many. “We’d date a little in college, and then we’d break up,” he explained. “And then I would be devastated. We’d get back together, break up. Then she would be devastated.” “We finally decided we were not going to break up anymore. And then I graduate college, and she has two more years, and then we break up again. It was like the Dark Ages for both of us,” Bryan continued. Almost five years later, they finally got it together. Bryan was playing a bar in the same town and Boyer’s brother let her know. “I saw Luke playing, and something was different. We made eye contact and we locked eyes… Then he took a break, and I thought he was trying to avoid me. So I left. He called my brother’s house at 3 a.m., and I answered. He was like, ’Where did you go?’ I said, ‘I thought you didn’t want to see me.’ Anyway, we’ve been together ever since. He and I would’ve never ever, ever lasted if we didn’t have a break. We appreciate each other.” Bryan agrees. “And then we were apart for five-and-a-half years, which was kind of a blessing because I went off to Nashville, got all this going,” he remembered. “She finished college. She went and actually had a career.”

When did Luke Bryan get married?

Before he was a star, the couple decided to get married in a small affair on the island of Turks and Caicos on Dec. 8, 2006. The very next year, he had his first big hit with “All My Friends Say.” For their 10th wedding anniversary, Bryan got Boyer a better ring than he’d proposed with all those years ago. “It was a little 10-year anniversary gift. Ten years with me feels like a thousand,” he said at the time. “It was certainly the least I could do!”

Does Luke Bryan have kids?

Bryan and Boyer have two sons together: Thomas Boyer “Bo” Bryan who was born on March 18, 2008, and younger son Tatum “Tate” Christopher Bryan, who was born on Aug. 11, 2010. However, they have three more children now: his sister’s children Jordan (now 26), Kris (now 23) and Til (now 20). Bryan has been no stranger to tragedy: His older brother Chris died in a motor vehicle accident when Bryan was 20, his sister Kelly died suddenly in 2007 and her husband died after a heart attack seven years later. At that point, Bryan and Boyer took their three children into their home. He even took on father-of-the bride duties, sharing a sweet dance with his niece at her wedding in September. “I have to remember there are people out there that have gone through similar stuff that I have,” Bryan has said. “And so me telling my story of how we get through this as a family, you pray and you feel like you’re going to help some people.” Even after all they’ve been through, the house is filled with laughter. “Our household’s crazy,” Bryan says. “We just have a ball in life and have a ball with our kids.” And he gives his wife a lot of credit for how their family has turned out. “I can’t take my children anywhere that someone does not compliment them on their manners and behavior,” he says. “And that is 1,000 percent her art. Every time somebody says something, it makes me go, ‘This is her.’ And I try to let her know when those moments happen because that’s a big thing.”

How does Luke Bryan keep his marriage strong?

In 2013, Bryan shared several ways he stays close to his wife, from spending nights out together and foot rubs to talking out problems before they snowball. “We have coffee in the morning, just Caroline and me. It’s my favorite time of the day,” he shared. “Anytime we can have 30 minutes to talk, it’s just great.” He also appreciates that his wife isn’t always dazzled by him and his accomplishments. “She’s always been the one that really isn’t drinking all of my Kool-Aid,” he says. “When I’m getting shined up, she kind of pulls the reins back. She keeps it real.” Bryan has joked that during quarantine, alcohol has been the key to marital success. “Caroline and I are used to spending quite a bit of time apart, and now I’m just here every day. But the main thing with us is properly inserting alcohol in parts of the relationship—it does a really, really good job for us. I’m playing!”  The real deal, says Bryan, is communication (and maybe make-up sex too). “It’s all about communication and giving each other time to go do the things that we’re passionate about,” Bryan said in 2021. “But the communication is so critical. When you get your wires crossed… I know it sounds cliché, but never go to bed mad. You really have to abide by that stuff.” The couple is clearly still very happy with each other. To mark their 14th wedding anniversary in 2021, Boyer posted a series of embarrassing and funny pictures of the two of them on Instagram, including one where food is stuck in their teeth as they cheese for the camera. “Marriage….being with the one person you get to annoy for the rest of your life,” Boyer wrote. “Luke, you are one brave man! Happy 14th anniversary love bug!” Bryan’s anniversary message was much more traditional. “What a ride it has been. I love you so much. We be looking young in this one. I love you,” he captioned a wedding photo. Both Bryan and Boyer agree that marriage isn’t always easy. “It never gets easier, but when you can share a wonderful life together, it makes it all worth it,” he shared with PEOPLE in February 2021. “We’re really, really still so blessed that we’ve been able to navigate all this and my career, and then have a great marriage through it all.” Boyer agrees. “Marriage isn’t always a fairy tale! It’s a battle that both people have to be willing to fight. Each day whether we are blissfully happy or not, we fight for each other,” she explains. And she plans to do that forever. “I’ll love Luke until my last breath,” she says. Next, Find Out Why Miranda Lambert Says Her Marriage to Husband Brendan McLoughlin Is “Golden” 

Who Is Luke Bryan s Wife  How He Met Caroline Boyer - 87