Who got voted off Survivor 43 in Week 5?
Geo Bustamante
Despite throwing a lot of shade in confessional, Geo seemed to be playing his season of Survivor in the dark. He and Ryan mistakenly believed they were on the top of Coco, not realizing he was one Lindsay spiral away from being voted out last episode. So facing the vote again, they were confident it was Cassidy’s time to go. But the majority of Cassidy, Karla, and James held strong. While Ryan overtly played up that he thought he was going, and Geo were both stunned to see the project manager’s name on the parchment.
Were any advantages found or played on Survivor 43 in Week 5?
Who’s left in the game on Survivor 43?
—Cassidy Clark
—Cody Assenmacher
—Dwight Moore
—Elie Scott
—James Jones
—Jeanine Zheng
—Jesse Lopez
—Karla Cruz Godoy
—Mike Gabler
—Noelle Lambert
—Owen Knight
—Ryan Medrano
—Sami Layadi
Next, check out our interview with Lindsay Carmine, who was voted off in Survivor 43 Episode 4.